DCH-32 (Deepti)

Year of release | 1998 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 401 (E),15-05-1998 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad, Telangana |
Pedigree / type of material | LRES-17 x REC-5 (DCS-5) |
Recommended states | Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed areas of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and irrigated areas of Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Gujarat |
Duration | Early |
Days to maturity for first picking | 85-95 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1030 (Rainfed) 2460 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 30-35 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 150-200 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 9-13 |
100 seed weight(g) | 27.2 |
Oil content(%) | 48.5 |
Special attributes | Resistant to leafhopper, Suitable for early sown conditions |
Source of seed | ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, Telangana |
DCH-177 (Deepak)

Year of release | 1999 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 821 (E), 13-09-200 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad, Telangana |
Pedigree / type of material | DPC-9 x DCS-9 (Jyothi) |
Recommended states | Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed areas of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and irrigated areas of Maharashtra |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90-100 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 1550 (Rainfed) 2130 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 35-45 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 150-220 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 11-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 27.8 |
Oil content(%) | 49.0 |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt and whitefly Resistant to lodging Non-shattering Moderately tolerant to Botrytis gray mold |
Source of seed | ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, Telangana |

Year of release | 2006 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 599 (E), 25-04-2006 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad, Telangana |
Pedigree / type of material | M-574 x DCS-78 |
Recommended states | Castor growing regions of India |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed and irrigated conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 105-110 DAYS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1740 (Rainfed) 2130 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 53-92 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 100-120 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 11-18 |
100 seed weight(g) | 23.3-28.6 |
Oil content(%) | 46.1-50.9 |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt, Resistant to leafhopper |
Source of seed | ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, Telangana |
GAUCH-1 (VHB-44)

Year of release | 1974 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 786 02-02-1976 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Oilseeds Research Station, GAU, Junagadh |
Pedigree / type of material | VP-1 x VI-9 |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Early |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90 - 100 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 1520 |
Days to 50% flowering | 45-50 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 70-90 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 12-16 |
100 seed weight(g) | 26-28 |
Oil content(%) | 46-47 |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar |
GCH-2 (VHB-150)

Year of release | 1984-85 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 258 (E) 14-05-1986 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Oilseeds Research Station, GAU, Junagadh, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | VP-1 x JI-35 |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 115-120 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 1750 |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-55 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 70-80 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 15-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 28-30 |
Oil content(%) | 47-49 |
Special features | Resistant to root rot |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
GCH-4 (SHB-18)

Year of release | 1986-87 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 10 (E) 01-01-1988 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | Oilseeds Research Station, GAU, S.K. Nagar, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | VP-1 x 48-1 |
Recommended states | Castor growing regions of India |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 100-110 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1985 |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-55 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 70-90 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 28-29 |
Oil content(%) | 48-50 |
Special attributes | Tolerant to Fusarium wilt, Resistant to leafhoppers |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
GCH-5 (SHB-145)

Year of release | 1995-96 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 647 (E) 09-09-1997 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | GAU, S.K. Nagar, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | Geeta x SH-72 |
Recommended states | Castor growing regions of India |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 110-120 DAS |
Growth habit | Tall |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 2800 |
Days to 50% flowering | 52-57 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 58-62 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-19 |
100 seed weight(g) | 27-28 |
Oil content(%) | 50 |
Special features | Resistant to wilt and tolerant to root rot tolerant to jassids, whitefly, capsule borer and water stress |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
GCH-6 (JHB-665)

Year of release | 1997-98 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 1050 (E) 26-10-1999 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | GAU, Junagadh, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | JP 65 x JI-96, Hybrid |
Recommended states | Castor growing regions of India |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 95-105 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 1300 (Rainfed) 2300 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 55-60 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 80-85 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 33.0 |
Oil content(%) | 48.1 |
Special features | Tolerant to Fusarium wilt, resistant to Macrophomina root rot, non-shattering |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
GCH-7 (SHB-758)

Year of release | 2007 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 1178 (E), 20-07-2007 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | SDAU, S. K. Nagar, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | SKP-84 x SKI-215 |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 110-120 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 3000 |
Days to 50% flowering | 60 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 80-90 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 18-22 |
100 seed weight(g) | 28-29 |
Oil content(%) | 48-49 |
Special features | Resistant to nematode-wilt complex |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
GCH-8 (SHB-896)

Year of release | 2018 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 1379(E), 27-3-2018 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | Oilseeds Research Station, SDAU, S.K.Nagar, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | JP-96 x DCS-89 |
Recommended states | All castor growing states of India |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 95-105 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1895 (Rainfed) 3588 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 55-60 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 80-85 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 33.0 |
Oil content(%) | 48.1 |
Special features | Resistant to wilt, tolerant to root rot |
Source of seed | Castor-Mustard Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat-385 506 |
GCH-9 (JHB-1018)

Year of release | 2018 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 6318 (E), 26-12-2018 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Main Oilseeds Research Station, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | SKP-84 x PCS-124 |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 110-120 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 3820 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 55-65 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 60-70 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 28.5 |
Oil content(%) | 48.3 |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt and Macrophomina root rot |
Source of seed | Main Oilseeds Research Station, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat |
GNCH-1 (NCH-1)

Year of release | 2017 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 2805 (E), 25-08-2017 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | NAU, Navsari, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | SKP 84 x DCS-94 |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated castor growing regions of Gujarat |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 100-112 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 2500 |
Days to 50% flowering | 60-65 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 70-80 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 13-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 29-31 |
Oil content(%) | 47-48 |
Special features | Resistant to wilt and leafhopper |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
HCH-6 (Hiriyur Castor Hybrid-6)

Year of release | 2016 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 354 (E), 24-11-2016 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | UAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka |
Pedigree / type of material | DPC-9 X TMV-6 |
Recommended states | Karnataka |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions, Zone-4 (Central Dry Zone) |
Duration | Early to Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90-150 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium tall |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 1830 |
Days to 50% flowering | 46-50 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 40-50 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 12-14 |
100 seed weight(g) | 27-28 |
Oil content(%) | 49.7 |
Special features | Resistant to Fusarium wilt and whitefly at field condition |
Source of seed | UAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka |

Year of release | 2019 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 3220 (E), 05-09-2019 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500030 |
Pedigree / type of material | SKP-84 x ICS-164 |
Recommended states | AP, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Maharashtra |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-51 DAS |
Days to maturity for first picking | 94-97 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1560 (Rainfed) 1450-1750 |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-55 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 102-112 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 15-19 |
100 seed weight(g) | 27-30 |
Oil content(%) | 46-49 |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt, Macrophomina root rot and leafhopper |
Source of seed | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500030 |

Year of release | 2012 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), PJTSAU, Palem, Telangana |
Pedigree / type of material | DPC-9 x CS-1 |
Recommended states | Telangana and Andhra Pradesh |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Early |
Days to maturity for first picking | 85-90 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium (70-80 cm) |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1400-1500 (Rainfed) 2200-2500 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 48-50 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 70-80 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 12-16 |
100 seed weight(g) | 26.5 |
Oil content(%) | 49 |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt and moderately tolerant to sucking pests, semilooper and spodoptera |
Source of seed | Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Palem, PJTSAU, Telangana |

Year of release | 2012 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), PJTSAU, Palem, Telangana |
Pedigree / type of material | DPC-9 x CS-18 |
Recommended states | Telangana and Andhra Pradesh |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 85-90 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium (70-80 cm) |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1600-1800 (Rainfed) 3500-3800 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 45-50 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 70-80 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 12-14 |
100 seed weight(g) | 26-27 |
Oil content(%) | 47-48 |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt |
Source of seed | Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Palem, PJTSAU, Telangana |
RCH-1 (RHC-1)

Year of release | 2000 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 937 (E), 04-09-2002 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | ARS, Mandor, RAU, Rajasthan |
Pedigree / type of material | VP-1 x TMV-5-1, Hybrid |
Recommended states | Rajasthan |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated areas |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 120 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 3000-3200 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-60 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 80-90 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 13-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 26-28 |
Oil content(%) | 49.3 |
Special features | Resistant to leafhopper |
Source of seed | ARS, Mandor Agricultural University, Mandor, Rajasthan |
Year of release | 1998 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 425 (E), 08-06-1999 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | TNAU, Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu |
Pedigree / type of material | LRES-17 x TMV-5 |
Recommended states | Tamil Nadu |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions of Salem, Namakkal, Erode and parts of Trichy and Pudukottai districts of Tamil Nadu |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 100-110 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium to tall |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 1180 |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-60 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 135-150 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-18 |
100 seed weight(g) | 26.5 |
Oil content(%) | 47-49 |
Special features | Resistant to leafhoppers and moderately resistant to grey mold |
Source of seed | TNAU, Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu |

Year of release | 2010 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 2137 (E), 31-8-2010 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Tapioca and Castor Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agrl. University, Yethapur, Tamil Nadu- 636 119 |
Pedigree / type of material | DPC-9 x TMV-5 |
Recommended states | Tamil Nadu |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Early |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Average seed yield (kg/ha) | 780 |
Days to 50% flowering | 40-45 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 100-150 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 12-16 |
100 seed weight(g) | 30 |
Oil content(%) | 49 |
Special attributes | Moderately resistant to capsule borer |
Source of seed | Tapioca and Castor Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agrl. University, Yethapur, Tamil nadu- 636 119 |
YRCH-2 (YRCH-1116)

Year of release | 2018 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 399 (E), 24-01-2018 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Tapioca and castor Research Station, TNAU, Yethapur, Salem District, Tamil Nadu-636 119 |
Pedigree / type of material | M 619-1 x SKI-215 |
Recommended states | Tamil Nadu |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Early |
Days to maturity for first picking | 110-115 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 2089 Potential in FLDs-3750 |
Days to 50% flowering | 55-60 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 29 |
Oil content(%) | 49 |
Special attributes | Resistant to wilt, tolerant to leafhopper |
Source of seed |
Tapioca and castor Research Station, |

Year of release | 1973-74 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 786, 02-02-1976 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Oilseeds Research Station, GAU, Junagadh, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | VP-1 x VI-9 |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Early |
Days to 50% flowering | 45-50 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90-100 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 12-16 |
100 seed weight (g) | 26-28 |
Oil content (%) | 46-47 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1520 |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar |

Year of release | 1985 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 832 (E) 18-11-1985 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | Oilseeds Research Station, Tindivanam-604 002, TNAU, Tamil Nadu |
Pedigree / type of material | SA2 / S2 48-2, Inbred line |
Recommended states | Tamil Nadu |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 45-50 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 100-110 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-18 |
Plant height (cm) | 135-150 |
100 seed weight (g) | 27 |
Oil content (%) | 47-49 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 920 (Rainfed) |
Source of seed | Tapioca and Castor Research Station, Yethapur, Tamil Nadu-636 119 |
Special attributes | Resistant to leafhopper |
GC-2 (SKI-273)

Year of release | 1993-94 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 1 (E) 01-01-1996 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | SDAU, S. K. Nagar, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | 1-21 / VI-9, Inbred line |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-55 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 115-120 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 15-17 |
Plant height up to base of primary (cm) | 90-100 |
100 seed weight (g) | 28-30 |
Oil content (%) | 47-49 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 2165 (Irrigated) |
Special attributes | Tolerant to Fusarium wilt, early maturity, Interspersed spike |
Source of seed | Gujarat State Seed Corporation, Gandhinagar |
Jyothi (REC-9/DCS 9)

Year of release | 1994 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 408 (E), 04-05-1995 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by |
ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad |
Pedigree / type of material | 240 / Bhagya, Inbred line |
Recommended states | Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions |
Duration | Early |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 40-50 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90-100 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 10-12 |
Plant height (cm) | 70-110 |
100 seed weight (g) | 29 |
Oil content (%) | 48.5 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1030 (Rainfed) |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt, early maturity |
Source of seed | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad |
Kranthi (PCS-4)

Year of release | 1996 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 425 (E) 08-06-1999 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
RARS, Palem, PJTSAU, Telangana |
Pedigree / type of material | (Pb-1 x 151-b) x (JC-44 x 413A), Inbred line |
Recommended states | Telangana and Andhra Pradesh |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 45-55 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 110-120 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | |
Mean | 12 |
Range | 9-15 |
Plant height (cm) | 90-110 |
100 seed weight (g) | 27-28 |
Oil content (%) | 48-50 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1365 (Rainfed) |
Special attributes | Resistant to drought |
Source of seed | RARS, Palem, PJTSAU, Telangana |
TMV-6 (TVC 31/RV74)

Year of release | 1997 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 647 (E) -09-09-1997 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
Oilseeds Research Station, |
Pedigree / type of material | VP-1 x RC 962, inbred line |
Recommended states | Salem, Periyar, Dharmapuri Districts of Tamil Nadu |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 55-60 DAS |
Days to maturity for first picking | 110-120 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | |
Mean | 17 |
Range | 16-19 |
Plant height (cm) | 100-110 |
100 seed weight (g) | 28 |
Oil content (%) | 51.9 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 930 (Rainfed) |
Special attributes | Moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt, Alternaria leaf spot and rust |
Source of seed |
Tapioca and Castor Research Station, |
AKC-1 (Akola castor)

Year of release | 1998 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 408 (E), 04-05-1995 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | PDKV, Akola |
Pedigree / type of material | Mass selection from B-7 variety |
Recommended states | Vidarbha region of Maharashtra |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions |
Duration | Early |
Days to 50% flowering | 40-45 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90-100 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 11-13 |
Plant height up to base of primary (cm) | 90-100 |
100 seed weight (g) | 30-31 |
Oil content (%) | 45 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1200 (Rainfed) |
Special attributes | Easy threshability |
Source of seed | Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola-444 104 |
Kiran (PCS-136)

Year of release | 2002 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 161 (E) 04-02-2004 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
RARS, Palem, PJTSAU, Telangana |
Pedigree / type of material | Selection from JI-1-130-1, inbred line |
Recommended states | Telangana and Andhra Pradesh |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed and late sown conditions |
Duration | Early to medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 55-60 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 100-110 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | |
Mean | 9 |
Range | 10-12 |
Plant height (cm) up to primary | 50-55 |
100 seed weight (g) | 25-26 |
Oil content (%) | 48-51 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1200-1500 |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to Botrytis, Medium maturity, suitable for rice fallows, tolerant to drought |
Source of seed | RARS, Palem, PJTSAU, Telangana |
Haritha (PCS-124)

Year of release | 2002 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 161 (E) 04-02-2004 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
Pedigree / type of material | PPL-4 x 48-1, inbred line |
Recommended states | Light soils of Southern Telangana, Rayalaseema and Prakasam districts of Andhra Pradesh |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed and Irrigated conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-55 DAS |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90-100 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 12-16 |
Plant height (cm) | 135-145 |
100 seed weight (g) | 25-29 |
Oil content (%) | 48-51 |
Seed yield (kg/ha) | 1400-1600 |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt Responds to high input management under irrigated conditions |
Source of seed | RARS, Palem / PJTSAU, Hyderabad |
48-1 (Jwala)

Year of release | 2007 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 1703 (E) 05-10-2007 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by |
ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad |
Pedigree / type of material | High Oil Mutant x Mauthner’s Dwarf |
Recommended states | All castor growing regions of India |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed and irrigated conditions |
Duration | Late |
Growth habit | Tall |
Days to 50% flowering | |
Mean | 62 |
Range | 55-70 |
Days to maturity for first picking | |
Mean | 115 DAS |
Range | 110-135 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | |
Mean | 16 |
Range | 15-17 |
Plant height (cm) | 90-120 |
100 seed weight (g) | 29 |
Oil content (%) | 48 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1100 (Rainfed) 2000 (Irrigated) |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt and tolerant to Botrytis, Tolerant to saline and drought conditions |
Source of seed | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad |
MCI-8 (RCV-1)

Year of release | 2008 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
ARS, Mandor Agriculture University, |
Pedigree / type of material | JI 220 x MI 61 |
Recommended states | Rajasthan |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 54 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 90-100 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 15-16 |
Plant height (cm) | 64 |
100 seed weight (g) | 27 |
Oil content (%) | 47.9 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 3327 (Irrigated) |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt and root rot |
Source of seed | ARS, Mandor Agriculture University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan |

Year of release | 2011 | |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 1661 (E), 20-07-2011 | |
Released at Central or State level | Central | |
Developed by | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad, Telangana | |
Pedigree / type of material | DCH-177 x JI-133 | |
Recommended states | All castor growing regions of India | |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed and Irrigated conditions | |
Duration | Late | |
Tall | |
Days to 50% flowering | Mean : 62 Range : 55-70 |
Days to maturity for first picking | Mean : 115 DAS Range : 100-135 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | Mean : 16 Range : 15-19 |
Plant height (cm) | 86-100 | |
100 seed weight (g) | 30-32 | |
Oil content (%) | 45-47 | |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1200-1430 (Rainfed) 2140-2510 (Irrigated) |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt | |
Source of seed | ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad |
GC-3 (JI-273)

Year of release | 2012 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 1708 (E), 26-07-2012 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
Main Oilseeds Research Station |
Pedigree / type of material | (JP-65 x JI-88) x 48-1 |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-60 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 100-105 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 16 |
Plant height (cm) | 100-110 |
100 seed weight (g) | 29.6 |
Oil content (%) | 49.7 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 2310 (Irrigated) |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt and tolerant to Macrophomina root rot |
Source of seed | Main Oilseeds Research Station, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat |

Year of release | 2016 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 2238 ( E ), 29-06-2016 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
Regional Agricultural Research Station, |
Pedigree / type of material | M-574 x PCS-124 |
Recommended states | Telangana |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed conditions |
Duration | Late |
Growth habit | Tall |
Days to 50% flowering | 40-42 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 85 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 10-12 |
Plant height (cm) | 80-90 |
100 seed weight (g) | 30-32 |
Oil content (%) | 47-49 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1500-1800 (Rainfed) |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt |
Source of seed | Regional Agricultural Research Station, Palem, PJTSAU, Telangana |
Jawahar Castor-4 (JC-4)
Year of release | 2018 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 3-70/2018-SD.IV, 19-02-2019 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, |
Pedigree / type of material | SPS-43-3 x JC-6, Inbred line |
Recommended states | Madhya Pradesh |
Recommended ecology | Sole crop under irrigated conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 55-65 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 100-120 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 16-18 |
Plant height (cm) | 115-125 |
100 seed weight (g) | 30-35 |
Oil content (%) | 46-47.5 |
Seed yield (kg/ha) | Mean : 2640 (Irrigated) Range: 2500-2790 |
Special attributes | Tolerant to Fusarium wilt and Macrophomina root rot |
Source of seed | Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh |
Jawahar Castor-24 (JC-24)
Year of release | 2018 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 3-70/2018-SD.IV, 19-02-2019 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, |
Pedigree / type of material | DCS-108 x JC-5, Inbred line |
Recommended states | Madhya Pradesh |
Recommended ecology | Sole and intercropping under rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 48-52 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 95-110 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 13-16 |
Plant height (cm) | 86-96 |
100 seed weight (g) | 26-29 |
Oil content (%) | 45-46 |
Seed yield (kg/ha) | Mean : 2745 (Irrigated) Range: 2545-3070 |
Special attributes | Tolerant to Fusarium wilt and Macrophomina root rot Semi-spreading, profuse branching with long spike |
Source of seed | Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh |
YTP-1 (YRCS-1205)

Year of release | 2019 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 3-74/2019.SD IV.28-10-2019 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by |
Tapioca and Castor Research Station, TNAU, |
Pedigree / type of material | TMV-6 x Salem Local |
Recommended states | Tamil Nadu |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed and irrigated perennial ecosystem |
Duration | Medium to Late |
Growth habit | Tall |
Days to 50% flowering | 65-70 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 110-115 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | |
Mean | 20 |
Range | 17-22 |
Plant height (cm) | |
Mean | 139 |
Range | 120-150 |
100 seed weight (g) | 45 |
Oil content (%) | 49 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | |
Annual | 1450 |
Perennial | 3110 (kg/ha/year) |
Special attributes | Non-lodging, non-shattering, perennial Suitable both as annual and perennial, intercropping system |
Source of seed | Tapioca and castor Research Station, TNAU,Yethapur, Salem District, Tamil Nadu-636 119 |

Year of release | 2019 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 3220 ( E ), 05-09-2019 |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Developed by | ARS, AAU, Sansoli, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | Selection from base population of ANDCI-8 |
Recommended states | Gujarat |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated & rainfed middle Gujarat, kharif season |
Duration | Early |
Growth habit | Medium |
Days to 50% flowering | 39-42 |
Days to maturity for first picking | 87-88 DAS |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-15 |
Plant height up to base of primary (cm) | 90-100 |
100 seed weight (g) | 30 |
Oil content (%) | 48 |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 2360 (Rainfed), 3230 (Irrigated) |
Source of seed | Agricultural Research Scientist & Head Agricultural Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Sansoli-387130, Gujarat |