Scientist (Senior scale)
Educational qualification
M.Sc. & Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding)
Other Roles
PME cell member at IIPR-Kanpur, ITMU cell member at IIPR-Kanpur
Crop Improvement
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Contribution to the scientific advancement
A. Varieties/Technology: As a Co-developer three high yielding varieties of mungbean were developed and notified for Uttar Pradesh and NEPZ are as follows.
- IPM 512-1 (Soorya): Developed from the cross IPM 99-125 /Co-5 Suitable for spring cultivation in NEPZ, mean yield 14-15 q/ha, highly resistant to MYV disease, Cercospora leaf spot and anthracnose, matures in 65-70 days
- IPM 312-20 (Vasudha): Developed from the cross IPM 03-1 X SPS 5, this genotype exhibited >18% superiority over the best check IPM 99-125 in U.P. State Adaptive Trials 2014-17. This variety has been released for cultivation during the Spring season in Uttar Pradesh
- IPM 409-4 (Heera): The genotype IPM 409-4 has been developed from PDM 288 x IPM 03-1 and it performed consistently better over the best check IPM 99-125 in U.P. State Adaptive Trials during the Spring season. It also has extra early maturity (55 days) and has green, medium-large (3.5g/100 seed), and shining seeds. This variety has been released for cultivation during the Spring season in Uttar Pradesh
B. Genetic stocks developed & registered at NBPGR, Gene Bank, New Delhi:
- Rajmash/Common bean: Two donor registered for Bean common mosaic Virus Resistance such as IC340947 (ING21103), & IC360831 (ING21136)
- Mungbean: Three donor registered such as IPM 604-1-7 (Golden yellow seed color), IPM 526-11 (YMV resistant) & IC248326 (Bruchid resistant/tolerant)
Projects completed
- Pulses genetic resources management and online information retrieval -Rajmash
- Plant Genetic Resources Management and its utilization through pre-breeding-Rajmash
- Genetic enhancement of pulse crops for yield, stability and quality-Mungbean component
- Plant Genetic Resources Management and its utilization through pre-breeding-Mungbean component
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Attended Innovative Breeding Techniques for Development of Climate Smart crop Varietiesorganized at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab (2015)
- Attended International Mungbean Improvement Project (IMIN) workshop on plant breeding data base and statistics organized by AVRDC-IMIN project partners, AVRDC-ICRISAT Campus, Hyderabad, 5 days, (23rd -27th October, 2017)
- Attended Online International Training Program on “Biofortification: A Key to Nutritional Security” during July 12-14, 2021 at MANAGE and organised by MANAGE, Hyderabad and Harvest plus partners
- Attended Training Program on New Crop Breeding Technologies for 21 days, Nov 21 to Dec11, 2022 at ICRISAT, Hyderabad
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Devindrappa M*, Bansa Singh and Basavaraja T. (2023). Discerning host plant resistance sources in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) against root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) infection. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(3), 321–324. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v93i3.132216
- Parvaze A Sofi, Rayees Ahmad, Sadiah Shafi, Aaqif Zaffar, Sujeela Rani, Samreen Fatima, Asha Nabi, Talavar Basvaraja, Sajad Majeed Zargar, Bilal Ahmad Padder, Reyazul Rouf Mir (2022). Evaluation of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Germplasm for Agro-Morphological and Yield Traits and Resistance to Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) in Western Himalayan Kashmir. Indian Journal of plant genetic resources. 35(2): 241-249
- Basavaraja, T., Manjunatha, L., Chandora, R., Singh, M., Rathod, S., Dubey, V., Kanishka R., Farindra Singh, Singh, N. (2022). Assessment of phenotypic diversity and multi-locational screening against bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) disease resistance in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization, 1-8. doi:10.1017/S1479262122000144 (NAAS rating 7.3)
- T. Basavaraja, L. Manjunatha, Rahul Chandora , S. Gurumurthy1 , N.P. Singh. (2020). Assessment of Genetic Variability, Diversity and Trait Correlation Analysis in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)Genotypes. Legume Research, DOI: 10.18805/LR-4208 Article Id: LR-4208 [NAAS rating: 6.23]
- L. Manjunatha ,T. Basavaraja , N. Manjunatha , N. Srinivasa , Vijay Kumar , Rahul Chandora , Mohar Singh & N. P. Singh (2021): Identification of stable resistant donors against necrosis inducing strain of bean common mosaic virus in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) , Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2021.1877432 [NAAS rating: 6.5]
- Amrit Lamichaney, T. Basavaraja*, P.K. Katiyar and N.P. Singh. (2021). Seed germination response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes to optimal and sub-optimal temperatures. Legume Research- An International Journal.(44):419-424 [NAAS rating: 6.23]
- Manjunatha, L., Srinivasa, N., Basavaraja, T. and Keerthi, M.C. (2021). Characterization of Chickpea Chlorotic Dwarf Virus (CpCDV) Associated with Chickpea Stunt Disease. Legume Research. DOI: 10.18805/LR-4512
- R. K. Mishra, A. K. Parihar, T. Basavaraja and Krishna Kumar. (2018). Identification of new source of resistance in rajmash (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) against powdery mildew (Erysiphepolygoni) and stem rot (Sclerotiniasclerotiorum) diseases.Legume Research, 42 (3) 2019: 430-433. [NAAS rating: 6.23]
- Basavaraja, T, Niranjana Murthyand Vijay Kumar, L., (2017). Studies on cross compatibility in interspecific crosses of Vignaradiata× Vignaumbellataspecies. Legume Research, Print ISSN:0250-5371 / Online ISSN:0976-0571 [NAAS rating: 6.23]
- Basavaraja T, Niranjana Murthy, Shashi Kumar P and SatheeshNaik SJ (2017) Inheritance of resistance to mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) in tntra and inter-specific crosses of vigna. Journal of Food Legumes 30(1): 15-19. [NAAS rating: 4.97]
- Basavaraja, T.,Gangaprasad, S. and Mallikarjun, K., 2013. Genetic diversity studies among selected local land race for economic traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes. Green framing, 34:556-558. [NAAS rating: 4.1]
- Basavaraja, T., M.Asif, K.Mallikarjun& S. Gangaprasad. 2013. Correlation and Path analysis of yield and yield attributes in local rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars. Asian Journal of Bio science,56:896-901. [NAAS rating: 4.3]
Book chapters
- Anupam Tripathi*, Jyoti Singh, and Basavaraja T. (2023) Breeding Strategy for Biofortification in Crops published in book edited by Shivangi Rahangdale and Akash Barela on Frontiers in Plant Breeding, Published by Vital Biotech Publication, First Edition: 2023,pp.111-127, ISBN: 978-93-92953-69-9
- Anupam Tripathi, Basavaraja T., Arshad Husain and Pravin Tiwari (2023) Chapter 14. Quality Seed Production Techniques in Pulses. Published by Weser Books 1st editation, pp. 153-178, ISBN-978-3-96492-499-5
- Aditya Pratap, Sanjeev Gupta, Meenal Rathore, T. Basavaraja. Chandra Mohan Singh, Umashanker, Prajapati and more.(2021) Chapter 1:Mungbean. In: Edited by Aditya Pratap Sanjeev Gupta, Imprint: Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier): The Beans and the Peas, 1st Edition From Orphan to Mainstream Crops.Paperback ISBN: 9780128214503. page.1-35
- Pratap, A., Inderpreet Dhaliwal, CS Singh, Basavaraja, T. et al. (2022). Biofortification of Mungbean. In: Kumar, S., Dikshit, H.K., Mishra, G.P., Singh, A. (eds) Biofortification of Staple Crops. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-328A
- T. Basavaraja, Aditya Pratap, Vikas Dubey, S. Gurumurthy, Sanjeev Gupta & N. P. Singh (2020).Chapter 13:Molecular and Conventional Breeding Strategies for Improving Biotic Stress Resistance in Common Bean: Book edited by S. S. Gosal, S. H. Wani (eds.), Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 3,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47306-8_13
- Basavaraja T., J. S.N.S., Chandora R., Singh M., Singh N.P. (2021) Breeding for Enhanced Nutrition in Common Bean. In: Gupta D.S., Gupta S., Kumar J. (eds) Breeding for Enhanced Nutrition and Bio-Active Compounds in Food Legumes. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59215-8_8
Area of Research
Conventional & Molecular breeding approaches for biotic and abiotic stresses in Oil seed/pulses crops
Area of expertise
Conventional & Molecular breeding approaches for biotic and abiotic stresses in Oil seed/pulses crops
Awards and recognition
- ISPRD fellow award during International Conference on, "Pulses: Smart Crops for Agricultural Sustainability and Nutritional Security", Feb. 10-12, 2023 at NASC, New Delhi-110012
- Best poster Award: ANUPAM TRIPATHI*, T BASAVARAJA, ARSHAD HUSAIN, JYOTI SINGH, PRAVIN TIWARI and ADITYA PRATAP (2023) S1.7: Production, trade, and key policies considerations for pulses in India, International Conference on, "Pulses: Smart Crops for Agricultural Sustainability and Nutritional Security", Feb. 10-12, 2023 at NASC, New Delhi-110012. Published by the secretary, ISPRD
- Best lecture Award: Aditya Pratap1*, Sanjeev Gupta1, Mohd. Akram1, Revanappa Birader2; Basavaraja, T. and N.P. Singh (2020). Development of widely adaptable, short duration and photo-thermo period insensitive mungbean cultivars for sustainable agro-ecosystems, presented as an Oral presentation (OP01) in ISPP North Zonal Seminar – Crop Productivity and Stress Management 22nd February 2020 at CSAU&T, Kanpur
- Best oral award: Basavaraja T1, Aditya Pratap1, Mohar Singh2, Gurumurthy3, Manu B1, Vikas Dubey1, and Farindra Singh1 (2022) Evaluation and identification of climate-smarter early maturing germplasm sources for common bean improvement. at the National Conference of Plant Physiology 2021 (NCPP 2021), December, 09-11, 2021 at ICAR-NIASM, Baramati, Pune
- Awarded Young scientist-2019 in Scientist Award Ceremony organized at Auditorium, Department of Public Administration (DPA), Lucknow University, on 12th July, 2019, Uttar Pradesh.
Any other relevant information
- I have given a lecture as a resource person on recommended varieties of mungbean for Madhya Pradesh state in Kahrif 2023 meeting on seed availability of pulses organized by Seed Directorate of Agriculture Bhopal MP on 03/06/2023
- Dr. Basavaraja T, Scientist, ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur in recognition of conducting a lecture on"Phenotyping for cold tolerance in pulses" as a resource person in ten days training program on “Non-destructive Phenotyping for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crops and Agroforestry” from 06-15 February, 2023 at ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati, Pune (MH)
- Lecture delved on: Post-Harvest Technology, Processing, and Value Addition to Pulses in Short Term Course on “Abiotic Stresses in Agriculture: An Introduction and Hands-on Training for Skill Development (June 1st to July 10, 2022) organized by NAISM Pune
- Lecture delved on: Diagnostics characteristics of Rajmash varieties developed in India (06/02/2022) in the 7 days Training program on “Seed quality parameter and production technology of Pulses crops” organized by ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur during February 3-9, 2022
- Lecture delved on: Post-Harvest Technology, Processing, and Value Addition to Pulses in Short Term Course on “Abiotic Stresses in Agriculture: An Introduction and Hands-on Training for Skill Development (June 1st to July 10, 2022) organized by NAISM Pune
- Delivered an educative lecture for farmers in Tiruntani District, Tamilnadu on "Suitable varieties and seed source of mungbean and Urdbean for Tamilnadu state" 27-29th August, 2018