Scientist, SS
Educational qualification
MSc. & Ph.D (Biochemistry)
Crop Production
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Telangana, India - 500 030
Tel No
Contribution to the scientific advancement
- A novel process was developed for preparation of protein isolates and hydrolysates from safflower cake and their efficacy was tested in rats nutrition
- Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) protocol was developed for accurate estimation of oil content in sunflower, safflower and castor seeds.
- FT-NIR was standardized for estimation of oil content, protein and fatty acids in safflower, sesame and linseed crops
- Co- developer in safflower variety (ISF-I) sponsored by IIOR Hyderabad. It has more than 75 % oleic acid content. It has been identified for rainfed and irrigated conditions of India
- Contributor in ICH-66 castor hybrid identified by the combined varietal identification committee on oilseeds on 16th August, 2018 for cultivation under rainfed conditions of peninsular india.
- Contributor in Tilhan Tech SUNH-1a sunflower hybrid notified for Uttarakhand, Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana on January, 3,2022
- Contributor in ICH 5 a castor hybrid notified for Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Maharashtra on January, 3,2022
- Germplasm RG-57 of castor (INGR19019) has been registered by Plant germplasm registration committee (PGRC) of Indian council of Agricultural research, New Delhi on 28 January, 2019.
- Germplasm SFS-1943 of safflower (INGR19023) has been registered by Plant germplasm registration committee (PGRC) of Indian council of Agricultural research, New Delhi on 28 January, 2019.
- Germplasm Ole-9-P2-P1-P22 of safflower (INGR 13066) was registered by Plant germplasm registration committee (PGRC).
- Germplasm HoSuS-1 of sunflower (INGR 21065) was registered by Plant germplasm registration committee (PGRC).
Projects completed
Institute Projects
- Production and characterization of protein hydrolysates from safflower seed and validation of their utility in animal nutrition-PI
- Biochemical characterization of sunflower, safflower and castor for potential value addition-PI
Marico sponsored research project
- Developing of high oleic safflower genotypes for Indian conditions and Development of protocols for marker-assisted selection for high oleic trait in safflower-Co-PI
PPV&FRA Sponsored:-
- Special Trait -Ricinoleic acid & Ricin content in Castor, Special Test for allele expression at locus Me 1 etc in Sunflower-PI
DST sponsored:-
- Crop management options to make safflower cultivation profitable for small farmers through enhanced utilization of petals-Co-PI
On-going Projects
- Development of high throughput protocol to detect adulteration in oils and formulation of oil blends for enhanced nutritional quality and stability-PI
- Exploiting genetic diversity for improvement of safflower through genomics-assisted discovery of QTLs/genes associated with agronomic traits. Co-PI
- Exploitation of genetic &genomic resources for improvement of niger (GuizotiaabyssinicaL.F. Cass) through breeding and biotechnological tools. Co-PI
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Organized model training on “Good Management Practices for Increasing Profitability and Resource Use Efficiency in Oilseed Crops” during 27 October to 3 November, 2015 as a course convener
- Four days training program for farmers of Nawada district, Bihar on “Oilseeds Production Technology” sponsored by Agriculture Technology Management Agency, Nawada, Bihar during 01-04, January, 2014 (course coordinator)
- Recent advances in adaptation and management strategies for sustainable oilseeds production under climate change scenario as course coordinator at ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad during 3-12 Oct, 2018. (course coordinator)
- Short Term Training Course on Recent advances in organic production systems involving oilseeds for soil health and export 16-25 Sep, 2019. (course coordinator)
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Anjani Kammili and Praduman Yadav (2022) Enhancing oleic acid and oil content in low oil and oleic type Indian safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Industrial Crops & Products 175 (2022) 114254
- M. Y. Dudhe H. P. Meena , M. Sujatha, S. B. Sakhre , M. K. Ghodke , A. M. Misal , S. Neelima , V. V. Kulkarni , Praduman Yadav , A. R. G. Ranganatha and A. Vishnuvardhan Reddy (2021).Genetic analysis in sunflower germplasm across the four states falling under the semi-arid environments of India. Vol 12(4):1075 – 1084
- K. S. V. Poorna Chandrika, Dinabandhu Patra, Praduman Yadav, A. Aziz Qureshib and Balaji Gopalan (2021) Metal citrate nanoparticles: a robust water-soluble plant micronutrient source. RSC Adv: 11, 20370- 20379
- Sujay Rakshit, Aruna, Praduman Yadav, Parashuram Patroti, G Girish, Ganapathy K N, Ratnavathi C V, Padmaja P G and Bahadure D M (2021) Stability for grain oil content in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (11): 1636–39.
- K Ramesh, G Suresh, A Aziz Qureshi, P Ratnakumar and Praduman Yadav (2021). Plant density and nitrogen interaction on productivity of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) . J. Oilseeds Res., 38(1) : 100-105.
- Ravitej, K & Pasala, Ratnakumar & Narender Reddy, Sadu & Yadav, Praduman & V, Gauri & Srikanth, B & Padmaja, Donda. (2020). Physiological and biochemical traits of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) varieties under rainfed conditions. 2277-2281. 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i5ae.10646.
- Palchamy Kadirvel , Cheelam Veerraju , Senapathy Senthilvel , Praduman Yadav , Betha Usha Kiran , Mobeen Shaik , Ranjan Shaw , Selvaraj Velu Mani, Yarabapani Rushwanth Reddy , Manmode Darpan Mohanrao , N. Mukta. Marker-assisted selection for fast-track breeding of high oleic lines in safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.). Industrial Crops & Products. 158, (online 15 December 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112983
- E. Bharathi, M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, Praduman Yadav, zameeda Bee Defense responses to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ricini infection in castor (Ricinus communis L.) cultivars. Indian Phytopathology. Pp 1-10. February 2019 DOI: 10.1007/s42360-018-00105-6
- K Anjani, MA Raoof, M Santha Lakshmi Prasad, P Duraimurugan, C Lucose, Praduman Yadav, RD Prasad, J Jawahar Lal, C Sarada. (2018) Trait-specific accessions in global castor (Ricinus communis L.) germplasm core set for utilization in castor improvemen. Industrial Crops and Products 112(2018):766-774
- K Anjani and Praduman Yadav (2017). High yielding-high oleic non-genetically modified Indian safflower cultivars. Industrial Crops and Products.104 (1): 7–12
- S Tilak, B Kisan, I Shanker Goud, Mahantesha BN Naika, Ayyangouda Patil, Vikas Kulkarni, Kadirvel Palchamy, Praduman Yadav (2018). Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Parents and its Crosses for High Oleic Acid Content in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(4): 2000-2020
- Saisanthosh K, Joseph Raju T, Kadirvel P, Keshavalu K, Razia Sultana, Praduman Yadav and N. Mukta (2018) Correlations among seed traits: implications for breeding high oil yield in safflower. Journal of Oilseeds Research 35(1): 13-19
- Kadirvel P, Praduman Yadav and Mukta N (2017) Oil quality of exotic safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars in India. Journal of Oilseeds Research 34(2): 76-80
- Praduman Yadav and K anjani (2017). Assessment of Variation in Castor Genetic Resources for Oil Characteristics. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 94(4): 611–617
- R. S. Pal, Anuradha Bhartiya, P Yadav, Lakshmi Kant, K. K. Mishra, J. P. Aditya, A. Pattanayak (2017). Effect of dehulling, germination and cooking on nutrients, anti-nutrients, fatty acid composition and antioxidant properties in lentil (Lens culinaris). Journal of Food Science and Technology. 54(4):909–920
- P. Kadirvel, D. Ravi1, N. Mukta, M.C.L. Montoya-Coronado, S.B. Ghuge, J. Singh, V. Singh, S.K. Shinde, S.N. Deshmukh, P. Yadav and K.S. Varaprasad. 2016. Genetic distinctiveness of safflower cultivars of India and Mexico as revealed by SSR markers. Plant Genetic Resources; 1–14. doi:10.1017/S1479262116000186
- Praduman Yadav and I. Y. L. N. Murthy (2016). Calibration of NMR spectroscopy for accurate estimation of oil content in sunflower, safflower and castor seeds. Curr Sci. 110(1).73-76
Book chapters
- Praduman Yadav, Yogendar Singh, Deepak Kumar and Taruna Yadav (2013). Nanotechnology for food security: Opportunities and constraints.Agrobios International. pp. 441-450.
- Yogendra singh, Praduman Yadav, Dinesh kumar and K. Prasad (2013). Drying an approach towards food preservation. Agrobios International. pp. 441-450
- Praduman Yadav, Sunil Kumar, Taruna Yadav, K. Prathap Reddy and IYLN Murthy. (2014). oxidative stress and antioxidant defense system in plants. In Biotechnology Vol. 2: Plant Biotechnology. 261-28.
- Praduman Yadav. ‘Nutritional virtues of oils’ in Model training course on Use of ICTs for increasing production and productivity of oilseeds in IIOR, Hyderabad during 07-14 October, 2014, pp-133-136.
- Praduman Yadav, Sunil Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Md. Sharif Baba and Iyln Murthy (2016). Reactive Oxygen Species: Generation, Scavenging and their Role in Cell Signalling in Plants. In Recent Advances in Plant stress Physiology, pp-1-36
- R.S. Pal, P.K. Agrawal, J.C. Bhatt and Praduman Yadav. (2016).Plant Stress Regulation. In Recent Advances in Plant stress Phisiology, pp-89-116
- Kella Poorna Chandrika, Anupama Singh and Praduman Yadav (2017). Nanotechnology prospects and constraints in agriculture: In context with greener techniques. Dec 20, 2017 for ‘Environmental Nanotechnology 1. Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World. Springer Nature. (accepted)
- Ratnakumar Pasala, Ramesh Kulasekaran, Brij Bihari Pandey, C.H.L.N. Manikanta, K. Gopika, P.S. John Daniel , Sonia Elthury and Praduman Yadav (2021). Recent advances in micronutrient foliar spray for enhancing crop productivity and managing abiotic stress tolerance. Plant Nutrition and Food Security in the Era of Climate Change. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822916-3.00008-1
Area of Research
- Preparation of protein isolates and hydrolysates from oilseeds cake, Metabolomics, characterization and identification of trait specific genotypes, oil blending and adulteration
Area of expertise
Purification, characterization, metabolomics
Awards and recognition
- Best research paper award for the year 2015-16 on ICAR-IIOR foundation day for the paper ‘Calibration of NMR spectroscopy for accurate estimation of oil content in sunflower, safflower and castor seeds.
- Best Oral presentation award on Improvement of Biodiesel traits in castor in International conference on “Recent Advances in Bio-Energy Research” organized by SSS national Institute of Renewable Energy during 14-17th March, 2015 at Kapurthala, Punjab
- Young Scientist Award by Agricultural Technology Development Society (ATDS) Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh in 2019
- Received best paper award on IIOR foundation day 2021, for the paper Marker-assisted selection for fast-track breeding of high oleic lines in safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.)
- Received outstanding scientist award from Agriculture Technology Development Society in 4th International conference in global approaches in natural resource management for climate smart agriculture during the endemic era of Covid 19 during 26-28 February, 2021
Areas of Interest
Oil quality, Chromatography, Value addition
Any other relevant information
Varieties/Hybrids/Germplasm registration
- Co- developer in safflower variety (ISF-I) sponsored by IIOR Hyderabad. It has more than 75 % oleic acid content. It has been identified for rainfed and irrigated conditions of India
- Contributor in ICH-66 castor hybrid identified by the combined varietal identification committee on oilseeds on 16th August, 2018 for cultivation under rainfed conditions of peninsular india.
- Germplasm RG-57 of castor (INGR19019) has been registered by Plant germplasm registration committee (PGRC) of Indian council of Agricultural research, New Delhi on 28 January, 2019.
- Germplasm SFS-19943 of safflower (INGR19023) has been registered by Plant germplasm registration committee (PGRC) of Indian council of Agricultural research, New Delhi on 28 January, 2019.
- Germplasm Ole-9-P2-P1-P22 of safflower (INGR 13066) was registered by Plant germplasm registration committee (PGRC).