Senior Scientist
Educational qualification
Ph.D. (Genetics &Plant Breeding)
Contact Address
ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
Mobile No
Contribution to the scientific advancement
- Developed first inter-specific derived olitorius jute variety JROBA-3 suitable for jute growing areas
- As a co-developer, involved in the development of different jute and mesta varieties viz., JROMU-1. JRCJ-11, HSLC-1, CRIJAF R5 and CRIJAF R8.
- Developed four genetic stocks WCIN-136-1, OIN-456, WCIJ-150-1 and WCIN-183A biotic stress responsive traits registered with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi.
- Associated with the development of four jute genetic stocks viz., sdf, llpf,pfr-56 and WCIN-009 for different useful traits registered with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi.
Projects completed
- Genetic improvement of Jute genotypes to biotic stresses.
- Introduction, maintenance, characterization and conservation of Jute, mesta and flax germplasm.
- Evaluation and selection for high fibre yield and other diversified uses in Roselle.
- Mining novel alleles for genome engineering applications for herbicide and stress tolerance in jute and allied fibres.
- ICAR-Extramural project: “Introgression of stem rot resistance from wild jute to cultivated olitorius through wide hybridization” (PI).
- RKVY: Development of hybrid varieties and production of hybrid seeds. Govt. of West Bengal (Associated).
- Project TMJ: Genetic enhancement of jute and mesta for drought response and fibre quality (Associated).
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Attended ten days training programme on “Harnessing NGS data for genetic enhancement in crops" from 03rd to 12th October 2017 at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal.
- Completed Three months professional attachment programme at Directorate of Rice Research,Hyderabad (15th March,2012 to 14th june, 2012 )
- Attended five days training programme on “Advances in Improved technology and fibre quality assessment of jute and allied fibre crops” from 24th to 29th June, 2013, at CRIJAF, Barrackpore, Kolkata.
- Attended 21 days Training programme on “Breeding by design” at PAU, Ludhiana 07-27th August, 2014.
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Mandal, K., Anil Kumar, A., Ghosh, D. 2021. Development of screening techniques to evaluate response of jute (Corchorus olitorius) to Macrophomina phaseolina. Australasian Plant Pathology, 50:621-630.
- S. B. Choudhary, D. Saha, H. K. Sharma, I. Chowdhury, A. Anil Kumar, S. K. Jambhulkar, J. Mitra. 2019. Transcriptional analysis of a delayed-flowering mutant under short-day conditions reveal genes related to photoperiodic response in tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.). Industrial Crops & Products 132:476-486.
- Choudhary SB, Sharma HK, Kumar AA, Maruthi RT, Mitra J, Chowdhury I, Singh BK, Karmakar PG. 2017. SSR and morphological trait based population structure analysis of 130 diverse flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) accessions. Comptes Rendus Biologies. 340(2):,65–75.
- Choudhary SB, Sharma HK, Kumar AA, Chowdhury I., Maruthi RT, Kak A. 2017. Genetic diversity spectrum and marker trait association for agronomic traits in global accessions of Linum usitatissimum L. Industrial Crops & Products 108: 604–615.
- Sharma HK, Sarkar M, Choudhary SB, Kumar AA, Maruthi RT, Mitra J, Karmakar PG.2016. Diversity analysis based on agro-morphological traits and microsatellite based markers in global germplasm collections of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). Industrial Crops and Products 89: 303–315.
- Saha D, Rana RS, Chakraborty S, Datta S, Kumar AA, Chakraborty AK, Karmakar PG. Development of a set of SSR markers for genetic polymorphism detection and interspecific hybrid jute breeding. The Crop Journal. 2017 Oct 1;5(5):416-29.
Book chapters
- Kumar AA, Sharma HK, Maruthi RT, Kumari N, Jha BK, Choudhary SB. Jute Interspecific Hybrids: Development,Characterization and Utilization. In The Jute Genome 2022 (pp. 81-88). Springer, Cham
- Meena, K., Anil Kumar, A., Maruti, R.T. (2022). Breeding and Biotechnology of Jute. In: Priyadarshan, P., Jain, S.M. (eds) Cash Crops. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74926-2_6
- Choudhary SB, Jambhulkar AK, Sharma HK, Kumar AA, Kumari N, Kumar D. Gamma-ray induced pedigreed mutant population of tossa jute (Corchorusolitorius L.): a key resource for forward and reverse genetics. InMutation breeding, genetic diversity and crop adaptation to climate change 2021 Nov 12 (pp. 469-477). Wallingford UK: CABI.
Area of expertise
- Wide hybridization in jute
- Biotic stress breeding
- Molecular breeding in Jute
Awards and recognition
- Best young scientist award (ICAR-CRIJAF) year 2019