Principal Scientist, Soil Science
Educational qualification
M.Sc & Ph.D (Soil science & Ag.Chemistry), PG Diploma (Chemical Analysis and Quality Management)
Crop Production
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Tel No
Mobile No
Work experience
25 years
Projects completed
Institute Projects
- Studies on phosphorus acquisition in sunflower genotypes suitable for low fertility soil environment (PI)
- Long-term fertilizer studies for sustainable sorghum-sunflower production in Alfisols (Co-PI)
- Nutrient management in castor and suitability of castor genotypes for rabi season (Co-PI)
- Site Specific integrated nutrient management for sunflower-groundnut cropping system (Co-PI)
- Long-term fertilizer studies soybean- sunflower cropping system in Vertisols (Co-PI)
- Productivity and nutrient use of sunflower in sequential cropping systems in vertisols (Co-PI)
- Standardization and development of microencapsulation technique for Beauveria bassisana spores (Co-PI)
- Screening safflower core germplasm against salinity (Co-PI)
- Long term fertilizers effect on Maize-castor cropping system in Alfisols (Co-PI)
External Funded Projects
- Evaluation of selenium status in Indian type onion and garlic and interaction of Se on nutrition of onion and its quality (PI)
- Bridging the production gaps in potential districts of sunflower and sesame through dynamic technology transfer. (Co-PI)
- Development of practicable technologies for field level exploitation of consortia of microbial agents as ameliorators of biotic and abiotic stresses in crops. (Co-PI)
- Development of practicable technologies for field level exploitation of entophytic Trichoderma for amelioration biotic and abiotic stresses in crops. (Co-PI)
- Establishment of Biotech-KISAN Hub at Agri-Biotech Foundation, Hyderabad. It is a collaborative project with ABF-Hyderabad. (CCPI)
On-going Projects
- Approaches for improving nutrient use efficiency in oilseeds crops (PI)
- Agronomic Interventions for Maximizing Resource Use Efficiency in Castor Based Cropping Systems (Co-PI)
- Development of organic management module in sesame crop grown in Vertisols (on-going as Co-PI)
- Development of Best Management Practices for Sesame under Rice-Sesame Cropping System. (Co-PI)
- Effect of crop geometry, nutrient management and kharif crops on safflower performance under BBF in rainfed situation (Co-PI)
- Fabrication of Fe and Zn Nano systems as Efficient Nutrient Sources (Co-PI)
External Funded Projects
- Competitive oilseeds production technologies for improving profitability and socio-economic conditions of small holders in rainfed oilseeds production system of Telangana (Co-PI)
- Exploiting Genetic Diversity for Improvement of Safflower through Genomics-Assisted Discovery of QTLs/Genes Associated with Agronomic Traits. (Co-PI)
- Formation and Promotion of FPOs (Co-PI)
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Use of computers in Agricultural research at IASRI, New Delhi in 1999
- Horticultural crop production under climatic constraints at Rehovat, Israel in 2000
- Human resource management in agricultural research system at NAARM, Hyderbad in 2006
- Application of SAS (statiscal package) in agricultural research at NAARM, Hyderbad in 2010
- Carbon sequestration and carbon trading at ICRISAT, Hyderbad in 2012
- Soil health management techniques at Div. SSAC. IARI, New Delhi, during 04-24 June, 2013.
- Recent Advances in Soil Carbon Sequestration and Stabilization for Soil Health Improvement and Climate Change Mitigation. ICAR-IIOR, Bhopal in December 2019.
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- P C Tripathi, H M Jadhav, A A Qureshi, V Sankar, V Mahajan and K E Lawande (2021). Morphological and biochemical properties of garlic (Allium sativum L.) collections. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. Vol. 30 (1) : 81-89.
- K. S. V. Poorna Chandrika, Dinabandhu Patra, Praduman Yadav, A. Aziz Qureshi and Balaji Gopalan (2021). Metal citrate nanoparticles: a robust water-soluble plant micronutrient source. RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 2037-20379.
- Ch. Pragathi Kumari, M. Goverdhan, G. Kiran Reddy, Knight Nthebere, S. H. K. Sharma, A. Aziz Qureshi, Md. Alibaba and K. Chiranjeevi (2020). Diversification of Cropping System Models under Irrigation Situation of Southern Telangana Zone, India. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 39(29): 51-60.
- Knight Nthebere, S. H. K. Sharma, Ch. Pragathi Kumari and A. Aziz Qureshi (2020). Different Cropping System Effects on Depth-wise distribution of Available NPKS in an Inceptisol of Southern Telangana Zone. International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry. 21(17): 32-39.
- Ch. Pragathi Kumari, M. Goverdhan, G. Kiran Reddy, Knight Nthebere, S. H. K. Sharma, A. Aziz Qureshi, Md. Alibaba and K. Chiranjeevi (2020). Different Cropping System Effect on Available NPK Post-harvest and their Uptake on Sandy Loam Soil of Southern Telangana Zone, India. International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry. 21(18): 56-65.
- N.R. Sudhakara, T. Anjaiah, Abdul Aziz Qureshi, G.E.CH.Vidya Sagar and D. Srinivasa Chary (2020). Effect of different sources and levels of silicon application on growth, yield attributes and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). The J. Res. PJTSAU 48 (1&2) 55-60.
- G. Venugopal, S. Harish Kumar Sharma, Abdul Aziz Qureshi and G. E. Ch. Vidya Sagar. (2020). Available Sulphur Status in Soybean Growing Areas of Northern Telangana Zone. International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry. 21(13): 34-38.
- Raghavendra Singh, R.K. Avasthe, Subhash Babu, Abhishek Singh, Puscal Sharma, Vrushali, Md. A. Aziz Qureshi (2018). Varietal screening of sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) under organic management in mid hills of Sikkim. Indian Journal of Hill Farming December, 31(2): 365-368.
- Raghavendra Singh, R.K. Avasthe, Subhash Babu, Abhishek Singh, Puscal Sharma, Vrushali, Md. A. Aziz Qureshi (2018). Performance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids under organic management conditions in mid hills of Sikkim. Indian Journal of Hill Farming December, 31(2): 249-253.
- A Aziz Qureshi, P Kadirvel, N Mukta and Ch V Haripriya (2020). Evaluation of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L) genotypes against salinity stress. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 37(SI): 114.
- Vishnuvardhan Reddy and A. Aziz Qureshi* (2019). AICRP on Oilseeds: Salient Research Achievements on Crop Nutrition Requirement and Soil Health Management. Indian Journal of Fertilisers, 15 (5): 546-561 (*Corresponding author)
- V Jhansi Rani, S V Ramana Rao and A Aziz Qureshi (2020).Technology interventions for enhancing the productivity and profitability of small holder agriculture in Vikarabad district of Telangana. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 37(SI): 269.
- B Shrey, R D Prasad, K S V Poorna Chandrika, A Aziz Qureshi and P Lakshmamma. (2020). Role of biopolymer based Trichoderma in plant growth promotion and mitigation of drought stress in groundnut. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 37(SI): 118.
- K Ramesh, G Suresh, M A A Qureshi, P Ratnakumar, Praduman Yadav and Ch.V. Haripriya. (2020). Plant geometry and nitrogen effect on fatty acid composition of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed Journal of Oilseeds Research. 37(SI): 112.
- G Suresh and A Aziz Qureshi (2020). Influence of conservation agricultural practices on performance of castor (Ricinus communis L.) based intercropping systems in shallow Alfisols under rainfed conditions. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 37(SI):109.
- G D Satish Kumar and A Aziz Qureshi (2020). Productivity potential of sesame in rabi-summer season under rice-fallow and turmeric-fallow. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 37(SI): 132.
- V. Ramamurthy, G.D. Satish Kumar, M. A. Aziz Qureshi and B.P. Bhaskar. 2019. Performance of Sunflower in Relation to Soil Types and Management Levels. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 8(10): 1186-1195.
- A Aziz Qureshi, R. K. Singh, D. Sen, L. K. Baishya, A. P. Singh, A. Vishnuvardhan Reddy and D. Pati (2018). Evaluation of sunflower hybrids for their suitability in North Eastern Hill Regions of India. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 35(1):45-47.
- Siddiqua, M., Sharma, S.H.K, Aziz Qureshi, A*. and Laxminarayana, P. (2018). Assessment Of Potassium Supplying Capacity of Soils of Nalgonda District of Telangana State through Neubauer Seedling Technique. International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience. 6(1): 551-555. (*Corresponding author)
- A Aziz Qureshi, R. D. Prasad, A. Kulkarni, T. Navaneeta, P. Lakshmamma, K. S. Varaprasad and A. Vishnuvardhan Reddy (2018). Selection of Trichoderma strains for salinity stress and evaluation for imparting salinity tolerance in sunflower . Journal of Oilseeds Research. 35(1):45-50.
Area of expertise
Soil Fertility- Soil Chemistry- Soil Microbiology in Relation Soil - Plant Interactions.
Awards and recognition
- ICAR-Junior Research Fellow in MSc (Ag) Soil Science (2nd Rank)
- IARI- Senior Research Fellow for PhD
- Commendation letter "Best Participant" during Winter school programme during 2003 at DOR, Hyderabad
- Accreditation as Research guide for MSc and PhD students in the Div. of Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, Telangana.
- Treasurer, Indian Society for Oilseeds Research, ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad (2017-2019)
- Councillor for Indian Society of Alliums, ICAR-DOGR, Pune, Maharashtra.
- Joint Editor, Indian Society of Alliums, ICAR-DOGR, Pune, Maharashtra.
- Best Poster Award in 2015 by ISOR, at ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur, Rajasthan.
- “Fellow” of Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, during National Oilseeds Seminar-2020 on “Technological Innovations in Oilseed Crops for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability and Nutritional Security” at ICAR-IIOR Hyderabad, 7-8, February, 2020.
- Commendation Letter “Best Participant” during Short course on Carbon sequestration, soil health improvement and climate mitigation at ICAR-IISS Bhopal, 10-19 December, 2019.
- Best Poster Award (Co-worker) in 2020 by ISOR at ICAR- IIOR, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Areas of Interest
- Soil fertility assessment and nutrient management
- Water quality assessment
- Effect of resource management on soil health
- Nutrient Acquisition and Salinity Studies