Principal Scientist
Educational qualification
M.Sc(Ag), PhD(Agronomy)
Other Roles
Crop Production
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Telangana, India - 500 030
Tel No
Contribution to the scientific advancement
- Developed sustainable nutrient management practices for safflower based cropping systems
- Identified safflower cultivars suitable to shallow, medium deep and deep Vertisols for different rainfall situations
- Developed safflower knowledge model on Agropedia platform
- Assessed climatic variability in different safflower growing areas of the country
- Estimated the influence of integrated nutrient management practices in different safflower based cropping systems
- Developed plant spacing and fertilizer recommendations for non-spiny safflower under rainfed and irrigated situations
- Developed moisture and nutrient conservation practice in castor-sorghum annual cropping system in Alfisols
- Developed soil moisture specific modified agronomy for safflower based cropping systems
Projects completed
- Sustainability of safflower based cropping systems with reference to input management
- Sustainable nutrient management practices for increased productivity of safflower based cropping systems (AP Cess Project, ICAR)
- Irrigation in relation to phosphorus nutrition in sunflower and safflower
- Influence of water stress and waterlogging on productivity of sunflower
- Productivity and economics of castor based intercropping systems involving pulses and vegetables
- Crop management options to make safflower cultivation profitable for small and marginal farmers through enhanced utilization of petals (DST Project)
- Assessing safflower based cropping systems productivity and resource use efficiency under different land configurations, crop geometry and IPNM in different Vertisol types and rainfall patterns
On-going Projects
- Modifying planting geometry of soybean for relay sowing of safflower on Broad bed and furrow method of land configuration under rainfed conditions
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- National training programme on “Application of geo-informatics and crop simulation models for agricultural management†from March 13-26, 2012 at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
- Training programme on “Research Project Proposal Development†from February 20-23, 2012 at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, sponsored by National Fund for Basic Strategic and Frontier Application Research in Agriculture (NFBSFARA)
- Training programme on “Application of remote sensing and geographical information system in agricultural development†at National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (Manage) from 13 to 17th July 2009
- Introduction to GIS and its applications: 9th April to 4th May 2007 at National Remote Sensing Centre, Balanagar, Hyderabad
- International training on “Oilseed Cropping systems†from 28th July to 10th August 2003 at 1) Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, Mandan, North Dakota 2) North Central soil Conservation Research Laboratory, Morris, Minnesota, USA 3) North Plains Research Laboratory, Fargo, North Dakota, USA.
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Padmavathi P and Praduman Yadav. 2020. Seed and petal yield of non-spiny cultivars of safflower under rainfed conditions. Journal of oilseeds research, 37 (special issue): 166-167
- Padmavathi P, Ratna Kumar P, Kadirvel P, Mukta N and Praduman Yadav. 2019. Performance of Mexican safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) varieties/breeding lines under Indian conditions. Journal of Oilseeds Research 36 (1): 66-70.
- Padmavathi P, IYLN Murthy and K Alivelu. 2017. Oilseed based cropping systems productivity in response to land configuration practices in Vertisols under rainfed conditions. Journal of Oilseeds Research 34 (3): 179-181
- Padmavathi P, IYLN Murthy and M Suresh. 2016. Productivity, economics and soil fertility of soybean-safflower cropping systems in response to nutrient management practices. Legume Research 39 (4): 572-577.
- Padmavathi P, IYLN Murthy and K Alivelu. 2015. Castor-sorghum cropping system productivity, soil chemical and biological fertility in response to conservation agriculture and nutrient management practices in Alfisols. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development. 30 (2): 62-67.
Area of Research
Developing soil moisture specific modified agronomy under different soil moisture conservation configurations
Area of expertise
Agronomy, Nutrient management, Cropping systems