Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
- 102-7: Exploitation of safflower genetic resources for development of superior breeding lines with high oil yield and adaptation to stresses
- 105-13: Identification of potential sources of resistance to various biotic stresses and understanding the mechanisms of resistance (PI)
- 105-4: Insect pests of safflower and their management (PI)
- 102-7: Exploitation of safflower genetic resources for development of superior breeding lines with high oil yield and adaptation to stresses (Co-PI)
- 101-5: Exploitation of inter and intraspecific genetic resources for development of agronomically superior inbred lines and populations in sunflower (Co-PI)
DST project
- Mapping of QTLs associated with resistance to aphid (Uroleucon compositae Theobald) in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) using genome‐wide SNP markers
Institute projects
- 101-6: Identification, characterization, evaluation and multiplication of the trait specific germplasm and pre-bred lines for the development of superior populations in sunflower (Co-PI)
- 101-7: Diversification of parental base for development of superior hybrids in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (Co-PI)
- 102-10: Diversification of safflower germplasm through exploitation of wild species (Co-PI)
- 102-11: Improvement of safflower for high oil, biotic and abiotic stress resistance coupled with high seed yield through recombination and heterosis breeding (Co-PI)
- 107-22: A cross platform application for Identification and advisory for managing diseases and insects in oilseed crops through Image Analysis and Artificial Intelligence (Co-PI)
DBT project
- Exploiting Genetic Diversity for Improvement of Safflower through Genomics-Assisted Discovery of QTLs/Genes Associated with Agronomic Traits
AICRP Safflower
AICRP Sunflower
- Emotional intelligence
- Competence enhancement programme for HRM nodal officers
- Regional Plant Health Systems Analysis
- MDP on Technology management for researchers
- DP on Prioritization, Monitoring and Evaluation
Tabassum Fatima, P. Satya Srinivas, G. Sridevi, D. Shivani and Bharat Bhat. 2021. Biochemical responses in resistant and susceptible sunflower accessions elicited by leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida feeding. J. Exp.Zool. India 24 (2): 1331-1336.
Tabassum Fatima, P. Satya Srinivas, G. Sridevi, D. Shivani AND Bharati Bhat. 2021. Evaluation of sunflower, Helianthus annuus l germplasm accessions against leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida under field conditions. The J. Res.PJTSAU 49 (3): 45-52.
- Mokkaraj Jagadeeswaran, Palchamy Kadirvel, P. S. Srinivas, Senapathy Senthilvel, S.K. Mobeen, Selvaraj Velu Mani, Y. Rushwant Reddy, Betha Usha kiran, N. Mukta. 2021. Genetic mapping reveals a major QTL associated with resistance to the aphid, Uroleucon compositae (Theobald) in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Plant Breeding. DOI 10.1111/pbr.12891
- P.S. Srinivas. 2020. Management of safflower aphid through seed treatment and foliar sprays. Journal of oilseeds research. 37: 186-187.
- Tabassum Fatima, G Sridevi, P S Srinivas, K V Radhakrishna and Bharati Bhat. 2020. Evaluation of sunflower germplasm for resistance against leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida). Journal of oilseeds research. 37: 193
- Panathula Chaithanya, Srinivas P S and Saxena AK. 2019. Identification of sources of resistance against Aphid, Uroleucon compositae (Theobald) in safflower. Journal of oilseeds research 36(3)
- Duraimurugan, P and P. S. Srinivas. 2017. Evaluation of poison baits against tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in castor. J. Exp. Zool. India. Vol. 20(2): 745-749
- P. Duraimurugan, M. Sampathkumar and P. S. Srinivas. 2017. Laboratory and field evaluation of synthetic kairomonal attractants against major lepidopteran pests of castor. Journal of Environmental Biology, Vol 38
- Satya srinivas P, Kaushik Banerjee, Manjusha R. Jadhav, Manoj S. Ghaste and K.E. Lawande. 2012. Bioefficacy, dissipation kineticsand safety evaluation of selected insecticides in Allium cepa L. Journal of Environmental Science and health Part B. 47: 1-10.
- P.S. Srinivas, A. Aziz Qureshi and K. E. Lawande. 2008. Growth stage susceptibility of onion (Allium cepa) and its role in thrips management. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 78 (1): 98-101.
- P.S. Srinivas and K.E.Lawande. 2007. Seedling root dip method for protecting onion plants from thrips. Indian Journal of Plant Protection. 35 (2): 206-209.
- P S. Srinivas and K.E. Lawande. 2006. Maize (Zea mays) Barrier as a Cultural Method for Management of Thrips in Onion (Alliuln cepa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 76 (3 )
IPM and Host Plant Resistance
Member secretary, RAC
Nodal officer, HRD,
Nodal officer, ARMS
Nodal officer, ISO,
Member, PAC