Principal Scientist
Educational qualification
M.Sc & Ph.D (Agril.Economics)
Other Roles
Head (Social Sciences);I/C NAIF (Component I and II);Member, PME;External Member, ITMC to ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad;Member, Foreign Deputation Committee;;PI- Farmers FIRST Programme; Chairman/ Co-chairman for Ph.D students (ANGRAU/IGKV);Nodal Officer, MGMG (Upt
Social Sciences
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
Tel No
Mobile No
Contribution to the scientific advancement
- Examined the economics of oilseed crops under varied agro-ecological situations and assessed the extent of input and yield gaps and examine the farm level constraints confronted in the production process and identifying the factors contributing to productivity.
- Examined the spatial and temporal variations in the production of oilseed crops
- Examined the magnitude of the technical efficiencies in oilseed production and processing through the Stochastic frontier production approach.
- Measured the Total Factor Productivity and the rate of growth of TFP of oilseed crops viz., castor, sunflower and safflower
- Application of Geographical information System for examining the Physiography, Soils (Slope, Depth, Surface Texture, Surface Stoniness, Calcareousness, Salinity / Sodicity, Drainage, Erosion, AWC and Land Suitability rating) for groundnut in different Agro-Ecological Regions viz., Anantapur, Kurnool and Vizianagaram Districts of Andhra Pradesh under the world bank assisted NATP project . Based on the above analysis, the land suitability ratings were worked out for groundnut crop for the different districts.
- Evaluated the impact of different technological interventions on moisture and nutrient conservation techniques in castor, soybean, sunflower, groundnut and safflower on the farmers’ fields under varied agro-ecological situations in the country.
- Impact assessment of hybrids/varieties of castor hybrids (DCH-177, DCH-519, PCH-111) in Mahbubnagar district of Telangana.
- The decomposition analysis to examine the effect of area and productivity on castor production for the nation as a whole revealed that technology (yield effect ) contributed to 56 % of production and area contributed to 34 per cent during the period 1966-67 to 1976-77 while in the periods 1977-78 to 1987-88 and 1988-89 to 2005-16, the production was primarily driven by area contributing to 76 and 75 per cent of production, respectively. However, during 2006-07 to 2015-16, area and technology (yield effect) contributed to 42 and 40 per cent of the production, respectively
- The contribution of area and technology to the production through decomposition analysis in Gujarat and Rajasthan revealed that production was accounted by more than 50 per cent through area effect (68 and 57 per cent in Gujarat and Rajasthan) during the period 1988-89 to 2005-06. For the period 2006-07 to 2015-16, production was influenced by area in both the states (84 and 70 per cent) in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
- In the major castor growing districts of Gujarat, production was chiefly attributed to area (>50 per cent) in the districts of Banaskanta (62 %), Surendernagar (58%), Kutch (63 %), Gandhinagar (79%) and Jamnagar (58 %) while yield effect (technology) contributed to 80 per cent in Mehsana, 44 per cent in Sabarkanta, 37 per cent in Rajkot and 25 per cent in Vadodara.
- The power of ICT was utilized for transmitting the price information to the farmers in select agro eco regions of the country by digitizing the price information for major APMC's trading oilseeds.
- The spatio temporal information on basic statistics on area, production and yield for the nine annual oilseed crops was digitized and hosted in the IIOR Website for access to the clientele.
- The digitization of information was done for the AICRP reports on IIOR mandated crops including linseed; FLD reports/IIOR annual reports/IIOR foundation day reports. These CD's were distributed to the researchers under the AICRP.
On farm Demonstrations/transfer of technology/crop diversification/technology assemblage /
- Innovative Farming Technology (IFT) through eco zoning approach (LGP, soil type, soil depth, LCC, LTA,
- Novel initiatives through technology assemblage and Input-Output marketing
- Facilitation of critical technical inputs in inter cropping technologies (Red gram + Castor 3:1) in 40 ha for risk mitigation in rainfed eco system in Telangana state
- Technology assemblage of Mung bean Castor Sequence in tribal hamlets of Telangana
- Handholding in the groundnut production technology on small holder agriculture towards enhancing additional net returns with reduced cost of
- Technology assemblage for seed production of Groundnut (K6) in small holder agriculture in Vikarabad district of Telangana
- Backyard poultry for increasing the nutritional security and income through women groups
- Pilots initiated for marketing and value addition of oilseeds, redgram and paddy towards DFI in Vikarabad District of Telangana.
a. Skill Development
- Conducting EDP on bio control agents, value addition in oilseeds and pulses,
- Providing end to end solutions to entrepernuers / starups on value addition of oilseeds
- Handholding FPC in development of business plans
Projects completed
- Economics of Improved Technologies in Castor, Safflower and Sunflower Production
- Identification, Characterization and delineation of Agro-Economic constraints of Oilseeds Based Production Systems in rainfed ecosystems
- Impact of Frontline Demonstrations and improved technologies with special reference to technology adoption, constraints and Socio-economic factors
- Resource-use management of castor growers in adoption of recommended technologies
- Digital Library and Information Management NARS under (e-Granth) NAIP
- Engaging Farmers, Enriching Knowledge: Agropedia Phase II
- On-farm demonstrations of improved technologies and impact assessment of the adoption
- ICT mediated knowledge management and dissemination in different oilseed crops
- Development of high oleic safflower genotypes for Indian conditions and development of protocols for marker-assisted selection for high oleic trait in safflower
On-going Projects
- Impact assessment of varieties/hybrids of IIOR mandated crops in varied agro ecological regions of India (PI)
- Competitive oilseeds production technologies for improving profitability and socio-economic conditions of small holders in rainfed oilseeds production system of Telangana (KVK Scheme) (PI)
- Development of ICT tools for technology dissemination in oilseed crops (CO-PI)
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Research & Education in India" 12-28 September, 2020 (NAIF, ICAR, New Delhi)
- IP Valuation and Technology Management 15-19, October, 2019 (ICAR-NAARM,Hyderabad)
- Value Chains, Agricultural Development, and Public Policy: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 2015 at IFPRI South Asia office, New Delhi (Duration: 30 days)
- Public private partnership for Science and Technology, 2011 at ASCI, Hyderabad (Duration :12 days)
- Research Prioritization and Impact assessment at NCAP, New Delhi. 2004 (Duration:10 Days)
- Management Development Programme on Assessment of Agricultural Research Organizations in 2004 at NAARM, Hyderabad (Duration: Five Days)
- Demand-Supply Projections of Agricultural Commodities at IARI, New Delhi. 2002 (Duration: 21 Days)
- Information Technology in Agriculture at NAARM, Hyderabad. 2001 (Duration: 21 Days)
- Application of Advance Analytical Tools in Management, Economic and Social Sciences Research, CIFA, Bhubaneshwar. 1998 (Duration: Nine Days)
- Management Development Training for development of DPA / DPAP watersheds, Held by MANAGE at CSWCRTI, Dehradun. 1994 (Duration:12 Days)
- Officers Training Course in Soil Conservation and Agro- Forestry in CSWCRTI,Dehradun. 1993 (Duration : Five and half months)
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- PP Kumar, SV Ramana Rao, VK Choudhary AK Koshta, MA Khan, ML Lakhera and I Krishna Teja (2022): Performance of rapeseed-mustard in India- a temporal analysis. Journal of Oilseed Brassica, 13 (1) :45-52
- Teja, I.K., Ramana Rao, S.V., Bhavani Devi, I. Prasad, S.V. Ravindra Reddy, B. and Praveenkumar, P. (2021). Spatio-temporal performance of major edible oilseeds in Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 38(2): 199-206
- Teja, I.K., Ramana Rao, S.V., Bhavani Devi, I. Prasad, S.V. Ravindra Reddy, B. and Praveenkumar, P. (2021). Growth Performance of Groundnut in Ananthapuramu District of Andhra Pradesh – A Temporal Analysis. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology. 39(7): 81-87.
- I.Krishna Teja, S.V.Ramana Rao, ,D.Vishnu Sankar Rao and B.Ravindra Reddy, 2017. Performance of oilseeds in India - a temporal analysis Journal of Oilseeds Research, 34(1) : 26-31
- S.V Ramana Rao, Devarapalli Vaishnavi Sankari & AVV Reddy: Performance of Oilseeds in India : A temporal study. Journal of Oilseeds Research (Special issue):253, Feb,2020
- P Madhuri, N Mukta, K Anjani, P Padmavathi, P S Srinivas, R D Prasad and S V Ramana Rao: Mobile application for safflower technology transfer. Journal of Oilseeds Research (Special issue):245-247. Feb,2020
- M Nagaveni, G D S Kumar and S V Ramana Rao : Frontline demonstrations on whole package in oilseeds: impact in enhancing productivity and profitability. Journal of Oilseeds Research (Special issue):251. Feb,2020
- Sarada and S V Ramana Rao Temporal performance of castor vis-à-vis competing crops in Gujarat - A Markov chain analysis. Journal of Oilseeds Research (Special issue):252 Feb,2020
- D Vaishnavi Sankari, S V Ramana Rao and A Vishnuvardhan Reddy :Trends in consumption of vegetable edible oils in India: A temporal analysis. Journal of Oilseeds Research (Special issue):254, Feb,2020
- Paladugu Praveen Kumar, S V Ramana Rao, Vijay Kumar Choudhary and Ajay Kumar Koshta1 :Growth and decomposition of major oilseeds in Madhya Pradesh (2000-01 to 2017-18). Journal of Oilseeds Research (Special issue):260, Feb,2020
- V Jhansi Rani, S V Ramana Rao and A Aziz Qureshi|: Technology interventions for enhancing the productivity and profitability of small holder agriculture in Vikarabad district of Telangana. Journal of Oilseeds Research (Special issue):269, Feb,2020
Book chapters
- Ramya.K.T., Ramana Rao S.V and Vishnuvardhan Reddy A. 2019. Tiny but wealthy sesame. http://vikaspedia.in (Vikaspedia, C-DAC-GOI).
- 2.रया के. ट., एस. वी. रमणा राव, एच. पी. मीना और ए. वणवधु न र ैडी 2020. तलहन क रानी तल (सीसेमम इंडीकम एल.): फसल एक फायदे अनेक. https://www.krishisewa.com.
- M.A.Qureshi, P.Padmavathi, P.Lakshmamma, K.Alivelu, G.D.Satishkumar and S.V.Ramana Rao (2017). Bhusarapareeksha- Aavasyakatha (Telugu) Ref : FFP-Vistaranapatrika-1
- K. Alivelu, P. Padmavathi, P. S. Srinivas, R. D. Prasad, K. Anjani, N. Mukhta, G. D Satish Kuamr, C.Sarada and S.V.Ramana Rao (2017). Safflower management practices.(English) Ref : Extension folder-11
- K. Alivelu, P. Padmavathi, P. S. Srinivas, R. D. Prasad, K. Anjani, N. Mukhta, G. D Satish Kuamr, C.Sarada and S.V.Ramana Rao (2017). Kusuma.Yajamanya Paddathulu (Telugu) Ref : Extension folder-14
- K. Alivelu, P. Padmavathi, P. S. Srinivas, R. D. Prasad, K. Anjani, N. Mukhta, G. D Satish Kuamr and S.V.Ramana Rao (2017). Kusum(Hindi). Ref : Visthara patrika-17
- C.Sarada, M.Padmaiah, C.Lavanya, G.Suresh, G.D.S.Kumar, P.Duraimurugan, M.Santhalakshmi, K.Alivelu and S.V.Ramana Rao. (2017). Castor management practices.(English). Ref : Extension folder-9
- C.Sarada, M.Padmaiah, C.Lavanya, G.Suresh, G.D.S.Kumar, P.Duraimurugan, M.Santhalakshmi,K.Alivelu and S.V.Ramana rao. (2017) Amudamu Yajamanyapaddathulu (Telugu). Ref : Extension folder-12
- C.Sarada, M.Padmaiah, C.Lavanya, G.Suresh, G.D.S.Kumar, P.Duraimurugan, M.Santhalakshmi, K.Alivelu and S.V.Ramana rao. (2017) Arand (Hindi). Ref : Extension folder-15
- G.D.S.Kumar, G.Suresh, H.Bsappa, N.Chander Rao, P.Madhuri, K.Alivelu and S.V.Ramana Rao. (2017). Proddutirugudu Yajamanya Paddathulu (Telugu). Ref : Extension folder-13
Area of Research
- Rainfed agro ecosystem encompassing oilseeds production systems
- Technology assemblage for enhanciong productivity and profitability of small holder agriculture in select AESR
Area of expertise
Resource economics, supply chain and entrepreneurship
Awards and recognition
- Awarded university level Gold Medal at Ph.D (1991)
- Best Paper Presentation award for the research paper entitled “Efficiency in Indian Edible Oilseed Sector: Analysis and Implications during the Agricultural Economics Research Association Conference held at GBUAT, Pantnagar in September, 2006 (Award received in 2007)
Any other relevant information
- Establishing linkages for output marketing between producer and value added players for direct marketing
- Providing technical support to rural entreprenuers towards value addition in oilseeds
- Providing technical backstopping to FPO’s for productivity enhancement.
- Guidance to Ph.D students (Chairman / Co-Chairman)