Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
A. 2009-2014 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute at Kannur and Coimbatore, India
- Contributed for the development of one genetic stock (Co-16027) and 10 Co-Canes VIZ., Co 16004, Co-16005, Co-16007, Co-16009, Co-16019, Co-16024, Co-17002, Co-17005, Co-17008, Co-17010 at ICAR-SBI. Co Canes are elite breeding lines with characters like high yielding, sucrose content and red rot resistance, derived from diverse parents.
- Breeding Sugarcane Varieties for Tropical Region
- Utilization of sugarcane germplasm resources for broadening the genetic base
- Interspecific hybridization between different species of Saccharum
- Characterization and conservation of world collection of Saccharum germplasm comprising Saccharum officinarum(759 accessions), Saccharum barberi, Saccharum sinense, Saccharum robustum (142), Saccharum spontaneum (IND collections-305, ISSCT collections-79) Indo-American clones (130) and Indian hybrids (1029).
- Germplasm exploration programme was conducted in September 2010 and collected 36 accessions of Saccharum spontaneum, three accessions of E.arundinaceus and one accession each of E.elephanthius and E.fulvus from west Bengal.
- DNA fingerprinting of Saccharum officinarum germplasm using SSR markers
- Digital catalogue of 753 accessions of S. officinarum has been developed.
B. 2015-to till date at ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, India
Focusing mainly on castor (Ricinus communis L.) improvement programme. Castor is a highly cross pollinated crop with 2n=20 belong to Euphorbiaceae family. It is primarily cultivated for it non-edible oil, extensively used in various industries and automobiles.
Products developed
Hybrids Notified/Promising in AICRP (Castor) Trials (2018-2021)
- Development of ICH-66 hybrid castor hybrid: ICH-66 has been centrally notified vide S.O. No. & date: 3220 (E) 05-09-2019. It is a High yielding (1.56 t/ha), wilt and leafhopper resistant hybrid and notified for cultivation in rainfed castor growing regions of AP, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Odisha.
- Development of ICH-5 (ICH-278 hybrid): ICH-5 hybrid has been centrally notified vide Gazette notified (S.O.No. 8(E)) dated 03.01.2022 for cultivation in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Maharashtra.
- ICH-5 recorded a weighted mean seed yield of 1671 kg/ha and weighted mean oil yield of 750 kg/ha pooled over 14 rainfed trials (2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21), which is 21% seed yield superior over the national check GCH-8 (1378 kg/ha)
19% oil yield superior over the national check GCH-8 (630 kg/ha)
- ICH-5 recorded a weighted mean seed yield of 1753 kg/ha and weighted mean oil yield of 786 kg/ha pooled over 11 rainfed trials (2019-20 & 2020-21), which is
15.3% seed yield superior over the zonal check, ICH-66 (1521 kg/ha)
15.6% oil yield superior over the zonal check ICH-66 (680 kg/ha)
- ICH-5 is also resistant to Fusarium wilt and Macrophomina root rot in sick plots. The proposed hybrid ICH-5 is also resistant/moderately resistant to leafhopper with a 0-2 hopper burn score compared to susceptible checks.
Hybrids/varieties Promising in AICRP (Castor) Trials (2018-2021)
- ICS-164 variety has recorded 33% (IVHT-2019-20) and 24% (AVHT-I, 2020-21) seed yield advantage over DCS-107 under rainfed conditions.
- ICH-277 Medium duration) has recorded 1858 kg/ha, which is 15% and 18% seed yield advantage over GCH-8 (1615 kg/ha) and ICH-66 (1571 kg/ha) respectively under rainfed conditions in IVHT-2020-21 and has been promoted to AVHT-I (2021-22) (5 locations)
Genetic Stock Registered/ in Pipeline
- Genetic stock SBI/2020/GU-07-2276/266 of sugarcane (INGR-21067) registered with PGRC of ICAR (Co-PI of the Project P1-95/1-3-3: Utilization of sugarcane germplasm resources for broadening the genetic base at ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore during 2012-15)
- IPC-21 (DPC-21) and improved pistillate line Pistillate (female) line with good combining ability and normal plant type with elongated internodes, divergent branching and flat leaves has been submitted for registration to PGRC-NBPGR, New Delhi,
- ICS-200 an improved monoecious line with resistance to both leafhopper and thrips has been submitted for registration with PGRC-NBPGR, New Delhi.
Pistillate line Development
New Pistillate Lines Developed (2018-2021)
- Three diverse mutant pistillate lines have been developed Viz., DPC-23 (Early Mutant selection of DPC-9), IPC-30 and IPC-31 (Mutants of VP-I).
- Seven new pistillate lines have been developed and stabilized Viz., DPC-22, IPC-41, IPC-42, IPC-43, IPC-44, IPC-45 and IPC-46 (derived from diverse parents through recombination breeding and pedigree method of selection). Among these, three pistillate lines viz., IPC-41, IPC-42 and IPC-44 were early flowering. DPC-22, IPC-44 and IPC-46 had 100-seed weight ≥ 33 grams.
Monoecious lines developed
Development of 46 diverse monoecious lines(ICS-396 to ICS-321 and ICS-406 to ICS 425) resistant to wilt
Maintenance and multiplication of parental lines
- Maintenance of monoecious and pistillate parental lines of castor
- Production of nucleus, breeder, foundation and hybrid seed of castor varieties and hybrids through participatory method in farmers’ fields
103-13: Diversification of parental base and development of superior parental lines in castor (PIMS No. IXX12629) as PI
Institute Projects
103-18: Development of diverse parents and early to medium maturing castor hybrids with high oil yield, resistance to major pests, diseases and drought as PI
103-17: Designing new plant types in castor suitable for mechanical harvesting
103-16: Exploitation of plant genetic resources for identification of trait specific accessions with resistance/tolerance to biotic/abiotic stresses in castor AS Co-PI
105-17: Screening and identification of durable sources of resistance to castor diseases and race identification of wilt pathogen as Co-PI
Externally funded Projects
- Seed Production in Agricultural Crops and Seed Hub Projects as Co-Nodal Officer
- Farmers First Programme: Competitive Oilseeds Production Technologies for improving profitability and socio-economic conditions of small holders in rainfed oilseeds production system of Telangana, as Co-PI
- Formation and development of Farmer Producer organizations (FPOs) as Co-PI
Protection and management of IPR issues in agriculture at KAU, Thrissurand Application of Molecular Markers in Crop Improvement at Centre of Excellence in Genomics, ICRISAT, Hyderabad
- Lavanya, C., Ushakiran, B., Sarada, C., Manjunatha, T., Senthilvel, S., Ramya, K.T., & Santhalakshmi Prasad, M. (2021). Use of single seed descent versus pedigree selection for development of elite parental lines in castor (Ricinus communis L.). Genet Resources and Crop Evolution. 8:295–305
- Lavanya, C., Ushakiran, B., Sarada, C., Manjunatha, T., Senthilvel, S., Ramya, K.T., & Santhalakshmi Prasad, M. (2021). Use of single seed descent versus pedigree selection for development of elite parental lines in castor (Ricinus communis L.). Genet Resources and Crop Evolution. 8:295–305.
- Manjunatha T, Lavanya C, Senthilvel S, Patel MP, Ramya KT and Sarada C (2020) Relationship of Node Number with Days to Flowering and Yield Traits in Castor Hybrids under rainfed and irrigated Conditions. J. Oilseeds Res. 37(4) 245-252.
- Lavanya, C., Manjunatha, T. and Senthilvel, S. (2020). Evaluation of new castor pistillate lines for agro-morphological characters and sex expression in different seasons. J. Oilseeds Res. 37, 19-21.
- K. Baghyalakshmi , Mobeen Shaik, Manmode Darpan Mohanrao, Ranjan Kumar Shaw, C. Lavanya, T. Manjunatha and S. Senthilvel (2020) Development and characterization of tetraploid castor plants. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 1–7 NAAS: 6.72.
- Mohanraj K, Manjunatha T, Mahadevaiah C, Suganya A, Adhini S P and Geetha P. (2020) Genetic Variability for Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Interspecific and Intergeneric Hybrids of Sugarcane. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(1): 19-30.
- Manjunatha, T., Lavanya, C., Santha, M.S.L.P., Senthilvel, S., Prabhakaran, A.J., Balakishan, G. and Reddy, A.V.V. (2020). Development and evaluation of diverse wilt resistant monoecious lines in castor. J. Oilseeds Res. 37, 6-7.
- A J Prabhakaran, C Lavanya, T Manjunatha, G Balakishan, P Duraimurugan, M Santha Lakshmi Prasad, Senthilvel Senapathy, P Laskshmamma, R D Prasad, K T Ramya, Praduman Yadav, J Jawaharlal, C Sarada, D K Patel, C J Patel1, Mukesh Patel, P Sunil Kumar, K S Varaprasad and A Vishnuvardhan Reddy. (2019) ICH-66, a new high yielding and biotic stress-resistant castor hybrid suitable for rainfed conditions of Peninsular India. J. Oilseeds Res. Vol 35(4) 252-259. NAAS: 5.02.
- Manjunatha T, Lavanya C, Ramya KT, Jawaharlal J and Vishnuvardhan Reddy A. (2019): Influence of Abiotic, Biotic and Socio-Economic Factors on Hybrid Castor Seed Production, Yield and Purity. J. Oilseeds Res. Vol. 36(1) p. 116-120. NAAS: 5.02
- Nisha M, Chandran K, Manjunatha T, Viswanathan R.and. Gireesan P.P (2019) Genetic Variability for Agro Morphological Traits Among the Interspecific Hybrids Of Saccharum. Journal of Sugarcane Research (2019) 9 (1) : 55 - 63
- Lavanya C, Manjunatha T and Ramya K.T. (2018) Combining ability of new pistillate lines for plant growth attributes, seed yield and its components in castor (Ricinus communis L). J Oilseeds Res. 35 (1) 21-26. NAAS: 5.02
- Ramya.K.T, Mukesh Patel, Manjunatha.T, Lavanya. C (2018) Identification of best combiners for development of castor hybrids under irrigated conditions. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding. 9(1): 387-391. NAAS Rating:4.97
- Manjunatha T, Chandran K, Mahesh P, Mohanraj K and Appunu (March 2018) Characterization of Saccharum spontaneum accessions from North-Eastern India. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(1): 38-50. NAAS rating :6.09.
Technical/Popular articles/E-Publications
- C Lavanya C, T Manjunatha, S Senthilvel, SN Sudhakar Babu and Vishnuvardhan Reddy, A. (2019). Technologies for quality seed production in castor. Extension folder-24. ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds research, Hyderabad
- MM Azam, KT Ramya, R Abdul Fiyaz, BC Ajay, A Warris and T Manjunatha (2019) Hidden treasures of Edible Oils and their Health Benefits. Popular Kheti, 7(3): 53-56.
- Srivalli,P, Arun Kumar, K, Lavanya C, Senthilvel Senapathy, Manjunatha T, Jhonson M, Verraraghavaiah, R (2019) Aamudamu Saaguku Anuvaina Sankara Rakaalu.
- Best Management Practices in Castor. (2019) ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds research, Hyderabad.
- C. Lavanya, T. Manjunatha, S. Senthilvel, S.N. Sudhakara Babu and A. Vishnuvardhan Reddy (2019) Technologies for Quality Seed Production in Castor, Extension folder-24, ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad
- Manjunatha, T., Ramya, K.T. (2020). Monoecious mechanisms in Castor (Ricinus communis L.) http://vikaspedia.in (Vikaspedia, C-DAC, GOI).
- టి మంజునాథ1, పి శ్రీవళ్ళి*, వై పవన్ కుమార్ రెడ్డి (2020) అనంతపురము జిల్లాలో సత్ఫలితాలిస్తున్న ఆముదం సాగు http://vikaspedia.in (Vikaspedia, C-DAC, GOI).
- Manjunatha T., and Lavanya C.( 2021). High yielding varieties and Hybrids in castor (Ricinus communis L.) http://vikaspedia.in (Vikaspedia, C-DAC, GOI).
Manjunatha T, Lavanya C, Mukta N, Vishnuvardhan Reddy A. (2020) Varieties and hybrids of castor (Ricinus communis L.). ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad. P.85
Suresh G, Lavanya C, Duraimurugan P, Santha Lakshmi Prasad, M, Manjunatha T, Lakshmi Prayaga, Jawahar Lal J, Vishnuvardhan Reddy A. (2020) Castor: Production Technology. ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad. P.26
- Mainly focusing on castor (Ricinus communis L.) improvement programme. Primarily involved in the development and evaluation of parental line, varieties and hybrids in castor.
- Contributing for maintenance and production of nucleus, breeder, foundation and certified seed of parental lines, varieties and hybrids in castor.
- Transfer of technology and promotion of FPOs
- Development and Evaluation of parental line, varieties and hybrids in sugarcane and castor
- Nucleus, breeder, foundation and certified seed production of parental lines, varieties and hybrids in castor.
- Technology dissemination/Extension activities
- Distinguished Achievement Award by Science & Tech Society for Integrated Rural Improvement
- Outstanding Plant Breeder Award in recognition of novelty valuable contributions and achievements by Green Professional Society.
- Best Reviewer Award by Journal of Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding (JGGPB) ISSN (Online): 2581-3293
- Best Poster Award
Manjunatha T, Lavanya C, Santha Lakshmi Prasad. M, Senthilvel S, Prabhakaran AJ, Balakishan G, Vishnuvardhan Reddy A. (2020). Development and Evaluation of Diverse Wilt Resistant Monoecious Lines in Castor (Ricinus communis L.) National Seminar on Technological Innovations in Oilseed Crops for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability and Nutritional Security 7-8 February, 2020 at Hyderabad.
Focusing mainly on castor (Ricinus communis L.) improvement programme. Primarily involved in the development and evaluation of parental line, varieties and hybrids in castor. Also contributing for maintenance and production of nucleus, breeder, foundation and certified seed of parental lines, varieties and hybrids in castor.