Principal Scientist (Biotechnology)
Educational qualification
M.Sc. & Ph.D (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Crop Improvement
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Tel No
Projects completed
- Deciphering the molecular mechanism of biotic stress tolerance induced by Trichoderma in castor” (NASF Project completed in July 2017)
- Development of high oil Safflower by Multigene Engineering (DBT Project completed in May 2012)
- Reduction of Toxic Endosperm proteins, Ricin and RCA, in Castor (Ricinus communis L.) through Post Transcriptional Gene Silencing Technologies (DST Project completed in June 2010)
- Molecular Genetic Analysis of Transgenic Male Sterile and Restorer Lines in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.) (DBT project completed in Dec 2010)
- Validation of RNAi Constructs for Restoration of Fertility in Male Sterile Transgenic Tobacco plants as a prelude to their utilization in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.) (DBT Project completed in December 2010)
- Genetic Engineering of male sterility and fertility restorer lines in safflower (ICAR AP Cess Fund completed in 2006)
- Development and validation of EST-SSR markers in safflower and castor (Institute Project)
- In silico identification of microRNA and their targets in safflower and castor using the EST database – ( Institute Project)
- Genetic Enhancement through Biotechnological Approaches in Castor–(Institute project)
- Genetic Enhancement Through Biotechnological Approaches in safflower (Institute Project)
On-going Projects
- Optimization of regeneration and transformation protocols to realize grey mold resistant transgenic castor (Ricinus communis L.)” – basically aims are developing reproducible and reliable protocol for transforming castor and use the multigene cassettes already developed for imparting tolerance to grey mold (institute project)
- Delineating the effector biology of phytoplasma affecting selected crop taxa in India with special emphasis on sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) – work at IIOR will focus on In planta validation of the interaction between the effector protein (SAP54) from phytoplasma and the interacting proteins from sesame in different plant systems such as sesame, Nicotiana benthamiana and Catheranthus roseus using BiFC technique and establishing the role of SAP54 in causing phyllody in sesame (NASF funded project in collaboration with Delhi University)
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Training in Crop Biotechnology at Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, USA for 14 months under DST sponsored programme during 1998-1999
- Hands-on training programme on Environmental Bio-safety during “Confined Field Trials of Genetically Engineered Crops” MSU, USA and USTDA, USA
- Attended 12 day on-line training programme on “Management Development Programme on Leadership Development” organized by ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad between December 8 -19, 2020.
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Mohd. Ashraf Ashfaq V. Dinesh Kumar, P. Soma Sekhar Reddy, K. Sai Kumar, N. Narasimha Rao, M. Tarakeswari and M. Sujatha. 2020. Post transcriptional gene silencing: Basic concepts and applications. Journal of Biosciences 45: 128 (NAAS Score7.82)
- Payal P and V. Dinesh Kumar. 2021. Attack the enemy silently in its own den: SIGS - Spray-induced gene silencing, a novel approach to contain pathogens. J. Oilseeds Res., 38(1) : 19-24 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
- Poosapati S. Ravulapalli RD, Dinesh Kumar V, and Kannan M (2021). Proteomics of two thermotolerant isolates of Trichoderma under high temperature stress. Journal of Fungi 7 1002. http://doi.org/10 3390/jof7121002 (NAAS Score 11.861)
- Dinesh Kumar V, Prasad RD, Durga Bhavani KB, Bhuvaneswari R and Velu Mani Selvaraj 2020. Trichoderma mediated induced systemic resistance in castor against seedling blight. Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special Issue): 9-10 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
- Konda Aravind Kumar, Kirti PB and Dinesh Kumar V* 2020. Development of 2A-CHYSEL Technology based multicistronic expression systems for imparting fungal tolerance. Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special Issue): 1 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
- Anusha S, Dhammaprakash W, Yamini, KN, Ch. Anil Kumar and Dinesh Kumar V* 2020. Assessment of genetic purity of two sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids using sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special Issue): 60-61 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
- Durga Bhavani KB*, Bhuvaneswari R, Velu Mani Selvaraj, Prasad RD and Dinesh Kumar V 2020. Early events of root colonization in castor by the biocontrol agent Trichoderma. Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special Issue): 15-16 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
- Usha Kiran B, Dinesh Kumar V, Kumaraswamy HH, Sujatha M 2020. In vitro regeneration of castor (Ricinus communis L.). Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special Issue): 18 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
- Ayesha Parveen P, Prasad RD, Senthilvel S, Ramana JV and Dinesh Kumar V 2020. Screening of castor genotypes with different waxy bloom levels against gray mold. Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special Issue): 27-28 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
- Vaikuntapu P.R., Dinesh Kumar V., Sujatha M and Radhakrishnan T. 2020. Genome editing without the hassles of tissue culture: Hope for editing plants recalcitrant to in vitro manipulations. J. Oilseeds Res., 37(3) : 154-157 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
- G Lakshmidevi, K B Durga Bhavani, Rohini Sreevathsa and V Dinesh Kumar (2018). Agrobacterium mediated in planta transformation in castor (Ricinus communis L.). Journal of Oilseeds Research 35(3):140149 NAAS Score 4.69 (2021)
Book chapters
- Desai, S., Prasad, R. D., Dinesh Kumar, V., Sowmya, P., Aziz Qureshi, A., Lakshmamma, P., Navaneetha, T., and Meenakshi, T. 2017. Trichoderma mediated abiotic stress management – A novel approach to sustain crop productivity. In: Biological Control of Crop Diseases: Recent advances & Perspectives, 65-84, Eds. Dinesh Singh, B. N. Chakraborty, R. N. Pandey and Pratibha Sharma. Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, India.
- Mohd Ashaf Ashfaq, Soma Sekhar Reddy, P., Anil Kumar, Ch., Velu Mani Selvaraj, and Dinesh Kumar V (2018). Ricin and RCA- The enemies within castor (Ricinus communis L.): A perspective on their biogenesis, mechanism of action, detection methods and detoxification strategies. In: The castor bean genome (Eds. Kole C and Rabinowicz P). Springer Nature, Switzerland pp. 215-236
- H. H. Kumaraswamy, V. Dinesh Kumar, C. Lavanya, B. Ushakiran, S. Senthilvel, M. Sujatha, K. B. Durga Bhavani, Aravind Kumar Konda, G. Lakshmidevi, Ashraf Md. Ashfaq, B. Sai Kumar, P. Soma Sekhar Reddy, and Ch. Anil Kumar. 2022. Biotechnological Approaches for Genetic Improvement of Castor Bean (Ricinus communis L.), In: Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 4 Oil Crops (Eds. Gosal SS and Wani SH). 359-418 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81107-5
- http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/69675
Technical Bulletin
- Prasad R D, Raoof M A, Senthilvel S, Dinesh Kumar V, Praduman Y, Bhuvaneswari R and Varaprasad K S 2016. Gray mold of castor. Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad. PP 1-40.
Area of expertise
Tissue culture and transformation, vector construction, gene validation
Awards and recognition
- Recipient of Jawaharlal Nehru award for best Ph.D research work for the year 1994
- Recipient of University Gold Medal and Muralidar Modaliyar Gold Medal for being top ranker in M. Sc(Agri)
- Recipient of Gold Medal from Karnataka Government for first rank in M.Sc (Agri)
- Recipient of CSIR Merit Certificate for becoming the top scorer in the UGC-CSIR joint examination during 1991
- ARS exam topper twice – once each in Plant Breeding, and Genetics
- Recipient of ‘Best Research Paper’ award twice at IIOR
- Recipient of ‘Best Poster Award’ thrice in National Seminars
- Recipient of BOYSCAST Fellowship in Crop Biotechnology from DST, GOI
Areas of Interest
Functional genomics, Genetic transformation
Any other relevant information
- Member of IBSC committees of ICRISAT, Amar Biotech Pvt. Ltd, PJTSAU
- Served as PME in-charge at IIOR for 5 years
- Chief Editor of Journal of Oilseeds Research
- Editor of Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- RAC member of ICAR-IISR, Indore and Agricultural Biotechnology Foundation, Hyderabad