Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Specialized in cropping system research viz., management of soil organic matter in rice based cropping system, food crops based natural sweetener plant Stevia rebaudiana based cropping systems for Himachal Pradesh, organic farming for soybean based cropping systems, organic sesame based cropping systems and rice fallow sesame cropping systems. He has developed a low cost micronutrient pelleting method to enhance nodulation & seed yield of soybean. Established SPAD (Chlorophyll) dynamics in rice crop as a gateway for smart nutrient management. He introduced and extended Lavender in Himachal Pradesh. He has done pioneering work for utilizing the natural zeolites for soil and plant nutrition.
- Development of Best Management Practices for Organic Soybean-Sesame Cropping System
- Developing best management practices for sesame under Rice-sesame cropping system
- Frontline demonstrations on oilseeds and other extension activities
- Diversification of parental base for the development of superior hybrids in sunflower
- Approaches to improve nutrient use efficiency in oilseed crops
- Lignin extraction from agricultural waste and its applications in agriculture and industry
- A novel biopolymer based multilayer seed coating with Trichoderma and other microbial inputs and their tracking on applied surfaces in oilseed crops for integrated disease and nutrient management
online Management Development Programme on “Leadership Development 13-24 Dec 2021.
Analysis of Experimental Data using SAS at NAARM, Hyderabad, 09-17 Nov 2020
- Meena B P, Pramod Jha, K Ramesh, AK Biswas, R Elanchezhian, Hiranmoy Das, Neenu S, AO Shirale and AK Patra 2021. Agronomic management based on multi-split topdressing increases grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in rainfed maize in Vertisols of India, Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2021.1998529.
- Mahapatra A, Gouda B and Ramesh K 2021. Productivity and profitability of summer sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) with integrated nutrient management. Journal of Oilseeds Research 38(1): 106-109.
- Mahapatra A, Patel D, Ramesh K and Gouda B 2021. Nutrient uptake, post-harvestsoil nutrient status and economic returns from sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids under different tillage and nutrient levels on lowland rice fallow environments of Odisha. Journal of Oilseeds Research 38(1): 110-114
- Ramesh K, Anita Mahapatra, Avijit Roy and S Bhaskar. 2021. Reviving horizontal area expansion of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in rice fallow ecosystems - a relook. J. Oilseeds Res., 38(2) : 121-131
- Ramesh K, Vijaya Kumar S, Upadhyay PK, Chauhan BS 2022. Revisiting the concept of the critical period of weed control. The Journal of Agricultural Science 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859621000939.
- Ramesh, K., G Suresh, A Aziz Qureshi, P Ratnakumar and Praduman Yadav 2021. Plant density and nitrogen interaction on productivity of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Journal of Oilseeds Research 38(1): 100-105
- Upadhyay PK, Sen A, Singh Y, Singh RK, Prasad SK, Sankar A, Singh VK, Dutta SK, Kumar R, Rathore SS, Shekhawat K, Babu S, Singh RK, Kumar B, Dey A, Rajanna GA and K Ramesh 2022. Soil Health, Energy Budget, and Rice Productivity as Influenced by Cow Products Application With Fertilizers Under South Asian Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains Zone. Front. Agron. 3:758572. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2021.758572
- Vijayakumar S, Dinesh Kumar, K Ramesh, Prabhu Govindasamy, DineshJinger, Rubina Khanam, Saravanane P, Subramanian E, Ekta Joshi, VK Sharma and Sudhir K Rajpoot. 2021. Potassium nutrition in rice: A review. Oryza 58(3): 341 -353
- Pandey BB, Ratnakumar P, B UK, Dudhe MY, Lakshmi GS, Ramesh K and Guhey A (2021) Identifying Traits Associated With Terminal Drought Tolerance in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes. Front. Plant Sci. 12:739896. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.739896
- Brij Bihari Pandey, Ratnakumar Pasala, Ramesh K, Abdul Aziz Qureshi, Sowjanya Lakshmi Gandi & Arti Guhey (2022): Leaf potassium status for drought tolerance: The hunt for promising sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) accessions, Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2022.2043374
- Mahapatra A, Gouda B and Ramesh K 2021a.Productivity and profitability of summer sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) with integrated nutrient management. Journal of Oilseeds Research 38(1): 106-109.
- Mahapatra A, Patel D, Ramesh K and Gouda B 2021b. Nutrient uptake, post-harvest soil nutrient status and economic returns from sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids under different tillage and nutrient levels on lowland rice fallow environments of Odisha. Journal of Oilseeds Research 38(1): 110-114
- Ramesh, K., G Suresh, A Aziz Qureshi, P Ratnakumar and Praduman Yadav 2021. Plant density and nitrogen interaction on productivity of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Journal of Oilseeds Research 38(1): 100-105
- Rajagopal V., Malarvizhi P, Choudhary R.L., Krishnani K. K. , Ramesh K., Gobalakrishanan B. and Singh N. 2017. Prospects of biochar in climate change mitigation in Indian agriculture-an analysis. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 10(9): 5905-5910.
- Stigter, K., Ramesh, K. and Upadhyay, P.K. 2018. Mulching for microclimate modifications in farming–an overview. Indian Journal of Agronomy. 63(3): 89-97
- Ramesh, K., Amar Matloob, Farhena Aslam, S.K. Florentine and Bhagirath S. Chauhan. 2017. Weeds in a changing climate: vulnerabilities, consequences, and implications for future weed management. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00095
- Ramesh, K., Ashok K Patra and Ashis K Biswas. 2017. Best management practices for soybean under soybean-wheat system in the changing climate scenario. Indian Journal of Fertilizers 13(2): 42-55
- Reddy, KS., KA Gopinath, VV. Kumari and K. Ramesh. 2018. Weed nutrient interactions in agricultural systems. Indian Journal of Fertilisers. 14(2): 50-58
- Elanchezhian, I., Kumar D., K. Ramesh, Biswas, A.K. and AK Patra. 2017. Morpho-Physiological and Biochemical Response of Maize (Zea Mays) Plants Fertilized with Nano-Iron (Fe3O4) Micronutrient. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 40(14): 1969-1977
- Ratnakumar P, Ramesh K, Brij Bihari Pandey, C.H.L.N. Manikanta, K. Gopika, P.S. John Daniel, Sonia Elthury, Praduman Yadav 2021. Chapter 14 - Recent advances in micronutrient foliar spray for enhancing crop productivity and managing abiotic stress tolerance, Editor(s): Vinay Kumar. Elsevier
- Kulasekaran Ramesh, Somasundaram J. and S. Bhaskar. 2021. Inbuilt Mechanisms for Managing Weeds in Conservation Agriculture Systems: A Revisit. In: Conservation Agriculture: A Sustainable Approach for Soil Health and Food Security pp 73-85
- Pandey, B.B., Ratnakumar, P., Ramesh, K., Tyagi, N., Guru, A., Bairwa, P.L., Gandi, L.S and Guhey, A 2021. Polyamines for Sustainable Plant Growth and Production Under Adverse Environmental Conditions. August 2021DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78521-5_7 In book: Plant Performance Under Environmental Stress Publisher: Springer, Cham
- Ramesh K., Pasala Ratna Kumar, SN Sudhakara Babu, Praduman Yadav. 2019. ICAR short course Training manual on Recent advances in organic production systems involving oilseeds for soil and health and export. p. 1- 240
- Dey, P., Verma SK., Ramesh, K., Somasundaram J., and Coumar, V. 2018. Soil, Landscape and Nutrient Management of Ravine Areas for Enhancing Crop Productivity and Livelihood Security In: Ravine Lands: Greening for Livelihood and Environmental Security DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8043-2_6
- Ramesh, K., Biswas, A.K., Lakaria, B.L., Srivastava, S and Patra, A.K. (ed.) 2017. Enhancing nutrient sue efficiency: concepts, methods and management interventions. New India Publishing Agency. p 1-483
- Elanchezhian, R., Biswas, A.K., Ramesh, K., and Patra, A.K. (ed.) 2017. Advances in Soil-plant system for enhancing nutrient sue efficiency. New India Publishing Agency. p 1-404
Organic oilseeds production and rice fallow oilseeds
Agronomy, cropping systems, Organic farming and conservation agriculture
Recipient of ISA fellow (2021), ISNS fellow (2022), USDA Norman E Borlaug International Fellowship (2011), National Academy of Agricultural Sciences young scientist award (2009), Indian National Disaster Reduction and Awareness Award and gold medal (1999), Best paper award at 10th Swadeshi Science Congress (2000), The teaching staff of Agricultural College and Research Institute Madurai gold medal and award (1999) and M. Abdul Kareem memorial award and gold medal (1998).
Conservation agriculture, Organic farming, Cropping systems Agronomy, Agro-meteorology, Weed management, Zeolites, nanotechnology, Medicinal and aromatic plants, Modified fertilizer products
- 2016. Received invitation for talk on "Nanostructured porous materials in plant nutrition research at the EMN meeting on mesoporous materials, Jun 13-17 2016, Prague, Czech Republic : http://emnmeeting.org/Mesoporous-Materials/nanostructured-porous-materials/
- 2015. Member (Research Advisory Committee) Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal (MP) for Doctoral studies