Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
- During the year 2009-10 the IIOR was holding 1330 germplasm accessions. Due to continuous augmentation of the germplasm which has increased from 1330 to 3126 in the past 10 years.
- Published the Sunflower Germplasm Catalogue in collaboration with UAS Bangalore, ORS, Latur and NBPGR, New Delhi for sunflower 3126 accessions and distributed to all the AICRP sunflower breeders during the “Sunflower Annual Group Meeting” held at IIOR, Hyderabad during 17th to 19th May, 2018. The catalogue presents comprehensive and sound scientific content aiming at increasing awareness of the extent of sunflower accessions available and diversity available in sunflower.
- With significant contribution in the area of sunflower germplasm management an international collaborative project for Rs.30.0 lakh with Prof. L.H. Riseberg, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada was initiated during 2017-18 in which he is Indian PI, entitled as “Evaluation of sunflower pre-bred lines for stress resistance and association trade-offs with yield” funded by The Global Crop Trust (The Crop Trust) Germany. A total of 395 pre-bred lines were augmented from Ames, USDA through proper channel. This project is approved by ICAR vide letter no. F.No.C.S.12 (10)/2017-O&P dated 12.02.2018. and DARE vide letter no. F.No. G. -07/15/2019-IC-VC dated 8th Nov.2019.
- Developed and identified IIOSH-2 sunflower test hybrid entry for AICRP multilocation evaluation during 2016 which was under 3rd year of AICRP kharif testing during 2018-19.
- Associated in development of sunflower hybrid LSFH-171 for Maharashtra and AP states. Notification number S.O. 6318 (E), dated 26th Dec.2018.
- Associated in development of the joint sunflower hybrid COH-3 for Tamil Nadu. Notification number S.O. 6318(E), dated 26th Dec.2018.
- Associated in development of sunflower variety Phule Bhaskar (SS-0808) for Maharashtra by SVRC with notification number as S.N. 3540(E), 22-11-2016.
- Associated in development of sunflower high oil content genetic stock (HOSuS-1) developed through introduction and selection and registered with NBPGR New Delhi.
- Diversification of Parental Base and Development of Elite Lines, Populations, Varieties and Hybrids in Sunflower (2009 – 2013), In-house project
- Augmentation, Characterization, Maintenance, Evaluation and Utilization of Sunflower Germplasm (2009 – 2014), In-house project
- Introgression of Resistance to Alterneria and Sunflower Necrosis Disease in Sunflower (2009 – 2014), In-house project
- Evaluation of sunflower pre-bred lines for stress resistance and association trade-offs with yield (2018-20) in collaboration with UBC, Canada and funded by Global Crop Trust Germany
- Exploitation of inter and intra-specific genetic resources for development of agronomically superior inbred lines and populations in sunflower (2015-20),
- Central Sector Scheme For implementation of PVP Legislation –Phase II (DUS project funded by PVP& FR authority India) funded by PPV&FR authority
- Development of seed production and seed quality maintenance technologies for oilseed crops (2020-25), In-house project
- Participated in International 7th CEG (Centre for Excellence in Genomics) Training Course on “Molecular Tools for Crop Improvement”, 10-21, May, 2010, ICRISAT, Patancheru, India.
- Participated in International workshop on “Next-Generation sequencing data analysis” at Tel-Hai College, Kiryat Shmona, Israel from 12 -16, August, 2018
- Attended short course on “Managing Intellectual property under PVP and PGR” from 15 -25 May, 2013 organized by ICAR, New Delhi and held at DSR, Hyderabad.
- Attended ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school training on ‘Frontier technologies in the area of biotechnology on gene isolation, characterization and breeding with reference to abiotic stress related genes’ from 10-30 December, 2013 at NRCPB, New Delhi.
- Attended CAFT sponsored 21 day training on “Recent Advance in Statistical Genetics and Genomics" Under the aegis of Agricultural Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi March 04- 24, March, 2016.
- Participated in Training programme on Multivariate Data Analysis for Scientific Personnel using R at NAARM, Hyderabad from 14 -20, December, 2017
- Chauhan Priti, Rajguru A.B. Dudhe, M.Y. Jyoti Mathur (2020) Efficacy of lead (Pb) phytoextraction of five varieties of Helianthus annuus L. from contaminated soil, Environmental Technology & Innovation (Elsevier): 100718.
- Dudhe, M.Y., Sujatha, M., Meena, H.P., Ranganatha, A.R.G., Varaprasad, K.S., Vishnuvardhan Reddy, A. 2019. Genetic variability, diversity and identification of trait specific accessions from the conserved sunflower germplasm for exploitation in the breeding programme. Agricultural Research, 9:9-22 doi.org/10.1007/s40003-019-00406-w
- Rajguru, A.B., Dudhe, M.Y., Kadam, S.M., Takate, A.S., Mundhe, B.S. 2019. Phule bhaskar-a new variety of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), with higher seed yield and oil content suitable for cultivation in kharif season under rainfed regions of Maharashtra. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry SP2: 109-113.
- Dudhe, M.Y., Rajguru, A.B., Bhoite, K.D., Kadam, S.M., Ranganatha, A.R.G., Sujatha, M. and Reddy, A.V. 2018. Characterization, evaluation and multivariate analysis of sunflower germplasm under semi-arid environments of three locations in two sunflower growing states in India. Journal of Environmental Biology, 39 (6), 990-996.
- Dudhe, M.Y., Sudhakarbabu, O., Sudhakar, C. 2014. Development of intron-flanking EST specific primers from drought responsive expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in safflower. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 46 (1), 56-66.
Book Chapter: “SUNFLOWER” by A.R.G. Ranganatha, M. Y. Dudhe, A.J. Prabakaran, and S.N. Sudhakara Babu for 2nd edition “Hybrid Seed Production in Field Crops (Principles and practices)” by N.C. Singhal, Kalyani Publication. N. Delhi.
Book Published: “Plant Sciences at Glance”, New Vishal Publication, New. Delhi Authored by Mangesh Y. Dudhe and Chikkappa G.K. Ist edition published 2008, 3nd Edition published in 2013.
Oilseeds Crop Breeding and Genetic Resources Management
- Winner of bronze replica of Dr. Noraman Borlaug Congressional Gold Medal ISAAA, Phillipines during 2010.
- Best Poster Award by Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad during 2015.
- Recipient of Young Scientist Award by SSDAT, Meerut, India during 2015
- Awarded INSA Travel Fellowship 2016 to visit Edirne, Turkey.
- Recipient of Excellence in Research Award by SSDAT, Meerut, India during 2019.
- Selected as Fellow of ISOR, Hyderabad during 2020.
- Sunflower breeding
- Genetic Resources Management of Sunflower Crop
- He has developed external linkages of ICAR-IIOR with University of British Columbia, Canada.
- By recognizing his contribution, he was invited in 19th International Sunflower Conference Edirne, Turkey, May 29th - June 3rd, 2016 to present an oral paper on “Four decades of sunflower genetic resource management in India”
Editorial board member for scientific journal
- Editorial board Member for “Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding”, published quarterly, by the Indian Society of Plant Breeders, TNAU, Coimbatore during 2011-13.
- Editorial board member of “Science Research Reporter” Journal of Life Sciences’ (India).
- Editorial board member of Journal of Agriculture Food and Development.
Reviewer for scientific journal
- Euphytica
- Breeding Science (Japanese society of Breeding)
- Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (GRACE)
- Journal of Environmental Biology, Lucknow
- Indian Journal of Oilseeds Research, ISOR, Hyderabad
- World Research Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology by Bioinfo publication
- Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, ESci Journals publication