Principal Scientist
Educational qualification
M.Sc & Ph.D (Plant Pathology)
Crop Protection
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Tel No
Projects completed
Institute Funded
- Integrated management of important diseases of Oil seeds- Soybean and Ground nut (2000-2002) -Principal Investigator (PI)
- Investigation on Physiological races, epidemiology and management of rice blast disease (1997 to 2002)-Co- Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
- Investigations on major viral diseases of important crops (1997 to 2002) - Co-PI
- Studies on variability in isolates of causal agents of Castor wilt, Safflower wilt, Alternaria leaf blight &Sclerotium collar rot of Sunflower (2002 to 2008; 2009-2012) - PI.
- Management of major diseases of castor (2012-2015) - PI
- Management of major diseases of sunflower (2003 to 2009) - Co-PI
- Screening and identification of durable sources of resistance to diseases of castor and deciphering the associated mechanisms - PI
- Exploitation of plant genetic resources for development of superior inbred lines in castor - Co- PI
Externally Funded Projects
- ICAR Outreach programme on “Diagnosis and Management of Leaf Spot Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops” ALCOCERA-Alternaria leaf blight of sunflower (2009 to 2014)- PI
- ICAR outreach project on AMAAS “Development of formulations of bioagents suitable for management of foliar and soil borne diseases of Sunflower, Castor and Safflower” - Co- PI
- Testing of lipopeptide formulations against castor wilt disease-Department of Microbiology, Osmania University, Hyderabad (2017 to 2019)- Contract project
On-going Projects
- Screening and identification of durable sources of resistance to biotic stresses of sesame and deciphering the associated mechanisms - PI
- Development of genomic resources and tools for applications in castor breeding- Co- PI
- Production and characterization of protein hydrolysates from safflower seed and validation of their utility in animal nutrition -Co- PI
- AICRP (Castor) - Co-PI
- Screening and identification of durable sources of resistance to castor diseases and race identification of wilt pathogen
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Training programme on “Data Analysis Using SAS” under the NAIP project-‘Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS’ from 17th -23rd August, 2011 at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.
- International training programme on “Pest risk analysis” from 2-6th September, 2013 at National Institute of Plant Health Management, Hyderabad in collaboration with USDA,USA and USAID
- Online Training programme on “Leadership & Organization Development for Women Scientists/ Technologists” Sponsored by DST at Centre for Organization Development, Hyderabad from 12- 16th October, 2020.
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Santhalakshmi Prasad, M., N. Naresh, K. Sujatha, D. Usha, M. Sujatha, C. Sarada, S. Chander Rao and P. Chowdappa.2020. "Population structure of Alternaria species causing leaf blight of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in India". Phytoparasitica, 48:335-356.
- Lavanya,C., Usha Kiran, B., Sarada, C., Manjunatha, T., Senthilvel, S., Ramya, K.T. and M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad.2020. Use of single seed descent versus pedigree selection for development of elite parental lines in castor (Ricinus communis L.). Genetic resources and crop evolution, 55(3):365–378.
- Santha Lakshmi Prasad, M., M.A. Raoof, B. Gayatri, K. Anjani, C.Lavanya, R.D. Prasad, S. Senthilvel. 2019. Wilt disease of castor: an overview. Indian Phytopathology, 72:575–585.
- Usha, D., M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad and C.Sarada.2019. Sensitivity of different fungicides against isolates of Alternariaster helianthi (Hansf) Tubaki and Nishihara, leaf blight in sunflower. Indian Phytopathology, 72: 351–360.
- Bharathi, E., M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, Praduman Yadav, Hameeda Bee. 2019. Defense responses to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ricini infection in castor (Ricinus communis L.) cultivars. Indian Phytopathology, 72: 647–656.
- Anjani,K., M.A. Raoof, M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, P. Duraimurugan, C. Lucose, Praduman Yadav, R.D. Prasad, J. Jawahar Lal,C. Sarada. 2018. Trait -specific accessions in global castor (Ricinus communis L.) germplasm core set for utilization in castor improvement. Industrial Crops and Products 112: 766-774
- Ranjan K. Shaw, P. Kadirvel, Mobeen Shaik, M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, R. D. Prasad, S.Senthilvel. 2018. Genetic characterization of resistance to wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ricini in castor (Ricinus communis L.) Plant Genetic Resources: characterization and utilization 16(2): 169-177.
- Santha Lakshmi Prasad, M., M. Sujatha, K. Alivelu, K. Sujatha. 2017. Sources of resistance to Alternariaster leaf blight in sunflower pre-breeding lines derived from interspecific crosses and wild Helianthus species. Crop Protection, 92: 70-78
- Ranjan K. Shaw, Mobeen Shaik, Zubair Ahmed Mir, M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, R. D. Prasad, S. Senthilvel. 2016. Establishing a high throughput screening method for large scale phenotyping of castor genotypes for resistance to Fusarium wilt disease. Phytoparasitica. 44: 539-548.
- M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, E.Bharathi, C.Lavanya and A.J. Prabakharan. 2016. Parental lines and advanced breeding material of castor resistant to wilt disease. Indian Phytopathology 69 (4s): 721-723.
Area of expertise
Fungal pathology, integrated disease management, host plant resistance
Any other relevant information
- Associated in identification and release of crop varieties / hybrids - DRSF-113, Sunflower variety in 2007 from DOR; GNCH-1, Castor hybrid in 2017 from Pulses and castor research station, Navsari agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat and ICH-66, Castor hybrid in 2018 from IIOR, Hyderabad.
- Accredited as Fellow of Indian Society of Oilseeds Research for year 2017-18 by ISOR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.
- Accredited as Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society for year 2018-19 by IPS, IARI, New Delhi.
- Received RULA award as “Excellent researcher in plant pathology” during 2018 by International Journal for Research Under Literal Access (IJRULA), UMC and World Research Council.
- Accredited to guide Ph.D. students in departments of Genetic, Microbiology, Osmania University, Hyderabad and in department of Biotechnology, JNTU, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
- Accredited to guide M.Sc. (Ag) and Ph.D. students in Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.
- Nominated as one of the Editor in the Editorial Board of Journal of Oilseeds Research published by Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, ICAR-IIOR, Rajendranagar (2016 to 2018).
- Reviewer of research articles in Indian Phytopathology, Indian Journal of Plant Protection. Received “Certificate of excellence in reviewing” for reviewing in “Indian Journal of Plant Protection’ from Plant Protection Association of India (2014-16)