Scientist (Plant Breeding)
Educational qualification
M.Sc (Agri), Genetics and Plant Breeding
Crop Improvement
Contact Address
ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
Mobile No
Work experience
- Breeding for climate resilience in wheat
- Development of wheat varieties with higher productivity and diseases resistance under irrigated environment
- Genetic enhancement for quality traits and value-addition of Indian wheat
Contribution to the scientific advancement
- Developed five durum wheat varieties viz., HI 8759 (Pusa Tejas), HI 8777 (Pusa Wheat 8777), HI 8802 (Pusa Wheat 8802), HI 8805 (Pusa Wheat 8805) and HI 8823 (Pusa Prabhat) suitable for restricted irrigation, timely sown conditions of central and peninsular wheat growing zones of India
- Three durum wheat varieties viz., HI 8759, HI 8802 and HI 8823 are recognized by ICAR as naturally biofortified wheat varieties with high amounts of protein (>12%), Iron and Zinc content (>42 PPM)
- Associated with the development of six wheat genetic stocks viz., HI 8708, HI 8751, HI 8765, HI 8774, HI 1619 and HI 8791 having resistance to three rusts, karnal bunt, flag smut and powdery mildew registered with ICAR-NBPGR
- As a co-developer, involved in the development of eight bread wheat varieties viz., HI 1605, HI 1612, HI 1620, HI 1621, HI 1628, HI 1633, HI 1634 and HI 1636 released by ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Indore for suitable for various wheat growing zones and conditions of India
- Involved in the improvement of HI 8498 (Malav Shakti), a popular durum wheat variety susceptible to several pathotypes of race 117-group by the introgression of Sr36 and Sr2 genes through marker assisted back cross breeding.
Projects completed
- Genetic enhancement of wheat & barley for productivity, disease resistance, resilience, quality and cropping system perspective (Institute Project; 2012-2013)
- Improvement of wheat for productivity, disease resistance climate resilience, quality and cropping system perspective in different agro ecologies and barley for western Himalayas. (Institute Project; 2014-2020)
- Strengthening of wheat programme in central India (Institute Project; 2014-2020)
- Molecular marker assisted development of biotic stress resistant wheat varieties (DBT, 2012-2017)
- Biofortification of wheat for micro nutrients through conventional and molecular breeding approaches. Phase II (DBT, 2012-2017)
- Increasing the productivity of the wheat crop under conditions of rising temperatures and water scarcity in south Asia (Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ), Germany, 2013-2016)
- CSISA Project-Cereal System Initiative for South Asia (CIMMYT, Mexico, 2012-2015)
- Root and establishment traits for greater water use efficiency in wheat – Indo Australian Project (ICAR-ACIAR, Australia, 2015-2017).
- Identification of high yielding wheat varieties with superior quality and adaptability along with end product suitability (ICAR-IARI & ITC Pvt.Ltd, 2016-2020)
- Scaling breeding and agronomic management for increasing wheat productivity and adaptation to climate change causing rising temperatures and water scarcity in South Asia (Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ), Germany, 2017-2020)
- Improvement in popular water-use efficient sharbati wheat varieties of Central Zone for terminal heat tolerance and lodging resistance through induced mutations (BARC, Trombay, 2017-2020).
- Germplasm Characterization and Trait Discovery in Wheat using Genomics Approaches and its Integration for Improving Climate Resilience, Productivity and Nutritional quality (DBT, 2020-2021)
On-going Projects
- Genetic improvement of seed yield in Linseed
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- As course co-coordinator, organized two day training program on "Recording of Data in Coordinated Wheat Trials and Nurseries for grooming new incumbents, both scientific and technical, who have recently joined the wheat program of the AICW&BIP (funded and voluntary) centers at IARI Regional Station, Indore during March 01-02, 2017.
- As Resource Person, involved in two days interactive state level training on "Durum Wheat Production, Marketing & Consumption" sponsored by Directorate of Wheat Development, Ghaziabad, organized at ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Indore from 22.2.2016 to 23.2.2016.
- As Resource Person, involved in organizing a one-day training-cum-awareness programme on "Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act-2001" with special reference to wheat on January 24, 2015.
- Participated in "ICAR-CIMMYT molecular breeding course" organized by CIMMYT, Mexico at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal from August 23-27, 2013.
- Participated in "Advances in plant genetic engineering" training program conducted by ICAR-NIPB, New Delhi from 28th October to 2nd November, 2013 sponsored by DBT.
- Participated in "Training on recording of data in co-ordinated wheat & Barley trials and nurseries" orgnised by ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal from 5-7th March, 2014
- Participated in three days training programme on " Germplasm day and hands on training on conventional and molecular soybean breeding" held at Indian Institute of Soybean Research Institute, Indore from 1st to 3rd September, 2015.
- Attended "Standardization of stem rust field notes and germplasm evaluation, with discussions on stripe and leaf Rust" at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Njoro, Kenya from 05/10/2019 to 13/10/2019 organised by CIMMYT, Mexico.
- Participated in "Basic Wheat Improvement Course 2021" held in Virtual mode from January 18th to May 31st of 2021organised by CIMMYT, Mexico.
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Divya Ambati, Rahul M. Phuke, V. Vani, S. V. Sai Prasad, Jang Bahadur Singh, Chandra Prakash Patidar, Prakash Malviya, Amit Gautam and Vijay G. Dubey.2020. Assessment of genetic diversity and development of core germplasm in durum wheat using agronomic and grain quality traits. Cereal Research Communication. 48: 375–382. DOI: 10.1007/s42976-020-00050-z
- Divya, T. L. Prakasha, S. Chand, A. N. Mishra, V. G. Dubey, Prakash Malviya, Pramod Prasad and S. V. Sai Prasad. 2020. Genetics of stem rust resistance in four popular durum wheat cultivars. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant breeding. 80(2) 125-129. DOI: 10.31742/IJGPB.80.2.1.
- Divya, T.L. Prakasha, A. N. Mishra, S. Chand, K.S. Solanki, Pramod Prasad and S.V. Sai Prasad. 2020. Inheritance of leaf rust resistance in four popular Indian durum wheat cultivars. Indian Phytopathology. DOI: 10.1007/s42360-020-00275-2
- Shashikumara P, Harikrishna, Neelu jain, Nivedita Sinha, Divya Chauhan, Rahul M Phuke, Divya Ambati, J B Singh, S V Sai Prasad, G P Singh, K V Prabhu and P K Singh. 2020. Genetic variability, Genotype × Environment interaction for grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) backcross inbred lines population under different moisture regimes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90 (9): 1678–84
- B. Manu, P. Shashi Kumara, Sunil Biradar, Divya Chauhan, Rahul Phuke, Divya Ambati, S. V. Sai Prasad, P. C. Mishra , K. K. Mishra , Harikrishna, Neelu Jain, P. K. Singh, G. P. Singh and K. V. Prabhu. 2020. Genetic gain and morpho-physiological characterisation of BILs (Backcross inbred lines) under different moisture regimes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Indian J. Genet., 80(1) 84-93.
Awards and recognition
- Recipient of "Nanaji Deshmukh ICAR Award for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences 2015-16" by ICAR, New Delhi.
- Recipient of "Outstanding Inter-disciplinary Team Research award-2015" conferred by Society for scientific development in Agriculture and technology .
- Member of Durum Wheat Genomics and Breeding and Adaptation of Wheat to Abiotic Stress expert wheat groups of Wheat Initiative, Berlin.
Areas of Interest
- Germplasm characterization, Genetic studies, Varietal Improvement, Resistance breeding, Abiotic stress tolerance and Quality traits improvement
- Contribution to the scientific advancement
- Developed five durum wheat varieties viz., HI 8759 (Pusa Tejas), HI 8777 (Pusa Wheat 8777), HI 8802 (Pusa Wheat 8802), HI 8805 (Pusa Wheat 8805) and HI 8823 (Pusa Prabhat) suitable for restricted irrigation, timely sown conditions of central and peninsular wheat growing zones of India
- Three durum wheat varieties viz., HI 8759, HI 8802 and HI 8823 are recognized by ICAR as naturally biofortified wheat varieties with high amounts of protein (>12%), Iron and Zinc content (>42 PPM)
- Associated with the development of six wheat genetic stocks viz., HI 8708, HI 8751, HI 8765, HI 8774, HI 1619 and HI 8791 having resistance to three rusts, karnal bunt, flag smut and powdery mildew registered with ICAR-NBPGR
- As a co-developer, involved in the development of eight bread wheat varieties viz., HI 1605, HI 1612, HI 1620, HI 1621, HI 1628, HI 1633, HI 1634 and HI 1636 released by ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Indore for suitable for various wheat growing zones and conditions of India
- Involved in the improvement of HI 8498 (Malav Shakti), a popular durum wheat variety susceptible to several pathotypes of race 117-group by the introgression of Sr36 and Sr2 genes through marker assisted back cross breeding