Senior Scientist
Educational qualification
M. Sc. & Ph.D (Genetics and Plant Breeding)
Other Roles
I/c Seed Section
Crop Improvement
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
Tel No
Mobile No
Projects completed
- Breeder seed production of jute, mesta and sunhemp (Co-PI)
- Adaptive research on jute seed production in West Bengal
- Collection, evaluation, characterization, maintenance and utilization of castor germplasm
- Diversification of pistillate base and development of improved varieties and hybrids in castor
- Development of stable Cytoplasmic Genetic Male Sterile (CGMS) system in sesame through wide hybridization
- Developing trait specific inbred lines from castor primary genepool
- Bridging the production gaps in potential districts of sunflower and sesame through dynamic technology transfer
On-going Projects
- Exploitation of inter and intra specific genetic resource for development of elite breeding lines in sesame
- Exploitation of plant genetic resources for identification of trait specific accessions with resistance/tolerance to biotic/abiotic stresses in castor
- Screening and identifica-tion of potential sources of tolerance to abiotic stress-ses & improved physiolo-gical efficiency in sesame
- Development of ICT tools for technology dissemination in oilseed crops
- Development of seed production and seed quality maintenance technologies for oilseed crops
- Seed production in agricultural crops
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Attended 21 days training programme (winter school) on “Molecular Breeding Approaches for the Genetic Enhancement of Oilseed Crops” organized at the Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad from December 1-21, 2012.
- Attended 10 days training programme on “management of plant genetic resources” organized at the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi from September 16 -25, 2013.
- Attended 05 days training programme on “agrobiodiversity conservation and livelihood” organized at the M.S. Swamynathan Research Foundation, Jeypore, Odisha from: 23.02.2015 to 01.03.2015.
- Participated in the 10 days training on “New frontiers in Jute and allied fibres research and technology development” organized by CRIJAF, Barrackpore during 7-16th April, 2011.
- Participated in the 10 days training programme on “Fibre crop production, seed production and quality evaluation” organized by CRIJAF, Barrackpore during 03-12 thAugust, 2011.
- Participated in the “Hybrid seed production technology in field crops “organized by seed research and technology centre, ANGRAU, Hyderabad during 14-18th November, 2011.
- Attended 07 days training programme on “Analysis of experimental data using SAS” at NAARM , Hyderabad during November 09-17, 2020.
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- E. Ramprasad, S. Senthilvel, Jawahar Lal Jatothu, K. N. Yamini, Kuldeep Singh Dangi, A. R. G.Ranganatha, and K. S. Varaprasad. 2017. An insight into morphological and molecular diversity in Indian sesame cultivars. Indian Journal of Genetics 77(2): 271-277. DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2017.00036.0
- Jawahar Lal Jatothu, , A. Anil Kumar, S. B. Choudhary, H. K. Sharma, , R. T. Maruthi, C. S. Kar and J. Mitra. 2018. Genetic diversity analysis in tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) germplasm Lines. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 10 (1): 1-3.
- K. Anjani, M.A. Raoof, M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, P. Duraimurugan, C. Lucose, Praduman Yadav, R.D. Prasad, J. Jawahar Lal, C. Sarada. 2017. Trait-specific accessions in global castor (Ricinus communis L.) germplasm core set for utilization in castor improvement. Industrial Crops and Products (112)766-774. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.01.002
- J. Jawahar Lal and C. Lavanya. 2019. Pattern of Genotypic Diversity in Indigenous Castor (Ricinus communis L.) Genotypes. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 01 (8). doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2019.801
- J. Jawahar Lal, Kuldeep Singh Dangi and S. Sudheer Kumar. 2020. Genetic Analysis of Superior Crosses for Quantitative Traits in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 9(1): 2564-2576.
- H.P.Meena, M.Sujatha, H.D.Pushpa and J. Jawahar Lal. 2020. Cytomorphological and molecular characterization of inter-specific hybrid between cultivated sunflower and Helianthus argophyllus. Journal of Environmental Biology 41, 66-72
- T Manjunatha, C. Lavanya, K. T. Ramya, J. Jawahar Lal And A Vishnuvardhan Reddy. 2019. Influence of environment on quality hybrid seed productionin castor : A case study of participatory seed production. Journal of Oilseeds Research, 36(2) : 116-120.
- K.T.Ramya, N.Mukta, J. Jawahar Lal and A.R.G.Ranganaatha. 2019. Novel, low-cost and throughput selfing technique in sesame. Journal of Oilseeds Research, 36(2): 121-125.
- E. Ramprasad, S.Senthilvel, Jawahar Lal Jatothu, K.N.Yamini and Kuldeep Singh Dangi. 2019. Analysis of genetic diversity in sesame ( Sesamum indicum L.) advanced breeding lines and varieties collected from major breeding centers in India. Electronic Journal of Plant Bredding 10(3):1269-1274.
- E. Ramprasad, S.Senthilvel, Jawahar Lal Jatothu, K.N.Yamini and Kuldeep Singh Dangi. 2019. Character association and path analysis studies in sesame (sesamum indicum l.) Advanced breeding lines and varieties. International Journal of Genetics. 11(3), pp.-575-577.
- J.Jawahar Lal, K.Anjani, M.A.Raoof and Santha Lkashmi Prasad. 2020. New source of fusarium wilt resistance in castor. Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special issue), 204-205
- K.T.Ramya, J. Jawahar Lal, H.H.Kumaraswamy, and P. Ratnakumar. 2020. Morphological characterization of sesame germplasm. Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special issue), 2-3.
- H.H.Kumaraswamy, K.T.Ramya, J.Jawahar Lal and P.Ratar. 2020. Robust and informative microsatellite markers for improvement of Indian sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Journal of Oilseeds Research 37 (Special issue), 10-11.
Area of expertise
Heterosis Breeding, Maintenance Breeding, Varietal/Hybrid Development, , Genetic Characterization
Awards and recognition
- Received Second Best poster award "pattern of genotypic diversity in indigenous castor (Ricinuscommunis L) genotypes in national conference “Enhancing productivity of oilseeds in changing climate scenario” held during 7-9 April, 2018 at Junagadh, Gujarat, India.
- Received Young Scientist award from RULA innovation and betterment excellence international Awards Summit on 12th November 2018 at Grandeur Hall of Hotel Breeze Residency, Trichy , Tamilnadu.
- Young scientist award 2018 in 8th International Conference on Agriculture, Horticulture and Food science held at New Delhi, India from 29-30 December, 2018, organized by The society of Tropical Agriculture, New Delhi, India.