Principal Scientist, Plant Physiology
Educational qualification
M.Sc(Ag), Ph.D (Plant Physiology)
Other Roles
I/c Library
Crop Production
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Tel No
Contribution to the scientific advancement
- Proposed the Ideotype of castor for rainfed and irrigated situations.
- Standardized Temperature induction Response technique (TIR) for selecting castor genotypes with seedling tolerance to temperature.
- Developed deficiency symptoms of all major, secondary and micronutrients in castor.
- Identified the traits associated with WUE, drought tolerance and castor germplasm, breeding lines for root growth, water use efficiency, drought and temperature tolerance, breeding lines with early vigor, high TDM and high partitioning efficiency (HI).
- Standardized potassium iodide (KI) concentration to induce terminal drought stress (1.0% KI) and identified genotypes for terminal drought stress tolerance using KI.
- Economic threshold level for initiating cost effective insect management strategy (25% defoliation) in castor.
- Senescing/fallen leaf weight was quantified and equation for estimation of TDM and HI with fallen leaf weight was derived
- Associated in registration of castor germplasm line RG 72 with drought tolerance; parental lines DCS-106 with high TDM and LAI, IPC-21 with good combining ability.
- Collaborated in development of variety DCS-107 with high seed yield and test weight, hybrids DCH-519 for irrigated and rainfed castor growing areas of India, ICH-66 for rainfed castor growing regions of peninsular India and ICH-5 for rainfed regions (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Maharashtra) for timely sowing.
Projects completed
- Physiological analysis of castor towards developing an Ideotype (PI)
- Physiological manipulation of sex expression in castor (Co-PI)
- Studies on drought tolerance, water use efficiency, source sink relationships in castor (PI)
- Studies on drought tolerance and water use efficiency in sunflower and safflower(Co-PI)
- Collection, evaluation, characterization, maintenance and utilization of castor germplasm(Co-PI)
- Establishment of critical limits of nutrients in plant and soil and Characterization of nutrient deficiencies in sunflower, Safflower and Castor (Co-PI)
- Developing trait -specific lines from castor primary gene pool (Co PI)
- Development of high oil yielding castor hybrids resistant to fusarium wilt, leaf hopper and drought (Co-PI)
On-going Projects
- Exploitation of plant genetic resources for identification of trait specific accessions with resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in castor (Co-PI)
- Designing new plant type in castor suitable for mechanical harvesting (Co-PI)
- Development of diverse parents and early to medium maturing castor hybrids with high oil yield, resistance to major insect pests, diseases and drought (Co-PI)
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- ''Management Development Program (MDP) for women in development sector'' (virtual) from December 14-18, 2020 organized by MANAGE, Hyderabad
- "Climate Smart Agriculture for Enhancing Crop and Water Productivity under Abiotic Stress Conditions" from Dec 16-23, 2017 at NIASM, Baramati, Pune.
- “Data analysis using SAS” from Nov 24-30, 2010 at NAARM, Hyderabad
- “Basic techniques in Plant Molecular Biology” from February 19 – March 10, 2008 at Centre of Advanced Studies in Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi
- "Crop Improvement under Stress Environments: Path to Fight Hunger and Poverty" from March 10-30, 2004 at Centre of Advanced Studies in Plant Physiology, NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad
- "Application of stable isotopes to study physiological processes for crop improvement" from March 4-16, 2002 at Dept. of crop physiology, GKVK, Bangalore
- ''Information technology in agriculture'' from Dec.3-23, 2001 at NAARM, Hyderabad.
- ''Computer awareness program'' from April 12-17, 1999 at NAARM, Hyderabad
- “ Status and scope of Plant growth regulators in Agricultural crop production” from May 26-June 4, 1997 at Dept. of Plant Physiology, UAS, Dharwad
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Lakshmamma P, Lakshmi Prayaga, Alivelu K and Vishnuvardhan Reddy A (2021). Drought tolerant and physiologically efficient genetic resources for rainfed castor. Journal of Oilseeds Research, 38 (2): 187-194
- Lakshmamma P and Lakshmi Prayaga (2020). Yield compensation in castor (Ricinus communis L.) with nipping of different order spikes. Journal of Oilseeds research, 37 (Special issue): 110-111
- Lakshmamma P, Vishnuvardhan Reddy A and Lakshmi Prayaga (2020). Selection of castor germplasm for drought tolerance. Journal of Oilseeds research, 37 (Special issue): pp 22
- Lakshmamma P, Lakshmi Prayaga, Alivelu K and Vishnuvardhan Reddy A (2019). Standardization of procedure for assessing terminal drought stress tolerance induced by foliar spraying of potassium iodide and identification of promising castor germplasm using the developed procedure. Journal of Oilseeds research, 36 (1); 36-44.
- L.Parvathaneni, L. Prayaga and A. Karusala (2017) Selection of castor germplasm with important traits for drought tolerance under field conditions. Indian Journal of plant physiology, 22 (3), 295-303
- Lakshmamma P, Alivelu K, Lakshmi Prayaga, Lavanya C and Vishnuvardhan Reddy A (2017). Accurate estimation of biomass production and partitioning efficiency in castor (Ricinus communis L.). Journal of Oilseeds research, 34 (4); 212-216
- Lakshmamma P, Lakshmi Prayaga and Sarada C (2016). Response of contrasting root genotypes of castor (Ricinus communis L.) to water stress. Journal of Oilseeds research, 33 (4): 212-215.
Area of Research
Studies on drought tolerance, source sink relationships in castor
Area of expertise
Plant Physiology, Drought tolerance
Awards and recognition
Fellow, Indian Society of Oilseeds Research