Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding)
Educational qualification
M.Sc. (Plant Breeding and Genetics), Ph.D (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
Other Roles
Vigilance Officer
Crop Improvement
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Tel No
Projects completed
- Diversification of parental base and development of superior parental lines in castor (2015 – 2021), In-house project
- Mapping of QTLs associated with resistance to aphid (Uroleucon compositae Theobald) in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) using genome‐wide SNP markers (2017-2020) funded by DST, Government of India
- Discovery of genome-wide SNPs and its use in developing a reference linkage map and association analysis in castor (2013 – 2016) funded by DBT-BIRAC, New Delhi
- Development of molecular markers for disease resistance in castor (2011-2016), In-house project
- Information Management System for Marker-Assisted Plant Breeding (2008-2011) funded by DBT, Government of India
- Developing DArT markers for several crops in the GCP (2008-2010) funded by Generation Challenge Programme of CGIAR
- Development and utilization of contiguous segment substitution lines in pearl millet (2006-2010) funded by DBT, Government of India
- Improving molecular tools for pearl millet (2008-2010) funded by Generation Challenge Programme of CGIAR
- Sorghum MAGIC: Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross development for gene discovery and allele validation millet (2008-2010) funded by Generation Challenge Programme of CGIAR
- Development of microsatellite markers for improving the breeding efficiency in pearl millet in Africa and Asia (2006-2008) funded by Syngenta Foundation, USA
On-going Projects
- Breeding for resistance to gray mold and capsule borer in castor (2021 – 2026), In-house project
- Development of genomic resources and tools for applications in castor breeding (2017 – 2022), In-house project
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Shaw RK, Shaik M, Prasad MSL, Prasad RD, Mohanrao MD, Senthilvel S*. 2022. Genomic regions associated with resistance to Fusarium wilt in castor identified through linkage and association mapping approaches. Genome doi: 10.1139/gen-2020-0048
- Jegadeeswaran P, Kadirvel P, Srinivas PS, Senthilvel S, Selvaraj VM, Mobeen S, Reddy YR, Kiran BU, Mukta N. 2021. Genetic mapping reveals a major QTL associated with tolerance to the aphid, Uroleucon compositae (Theobald) in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Plant Breeding doi: 10.1111/pbr.12891
- Kadirvel P, Veerraju C, Senthilvel S, Yadav P, Kiran BU, Shaik M, Shaw R, Mani SV, Reddy YR, Mohanrao MD, Mukta N. 2020. Marker-assisted selection for fast-track breeding of high oleic lines in safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.). Industrial Crops & Products 158: 112983.
- Baghyalakshmi K, Shaik M, Mohanrao MD, Shaw RK, Lavanya C, Manjunatha T, Senthilvel S*. 2020. Development and characterization of tetraploid castor plants. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 18(2): 98-104
- Senthilvel S*, Ghosh A, Shaik M, Shaw RK, Bagali PG. 2019. Development and validation of an SNP genotyping array and construction of a high-density linkage map in castor. Scientific Reports 9: 3003
- Shaw RK, Kadirvel P, Shaik M, Prasad MSL, Prasad RD, Senthilvel S*. 2017. Genetic characterization of resistance to wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ricini in castor (Ricinus communis L.). Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 16(2): 169-177
- Senthilvel S*, Shaik M, Anjani K, Shaw RK, Kumari P, Sarada C, Kiran BU. 2017. Genetic variability and population structure in a collection of inbred lines derived from a core germplasm of castor. Journal of plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 26(1): 27-34.
- Usha Kiran B, Mukta N, Kadirvel P, Alivelu K, Senthilvel S, Kishore P, Varaprasad KS. 2017. Genetic diversity of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) germplasm as revealed by SSR markers. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 15(1): 1-11
- Shaw RK, Shaik M, Mir ZA, Prasad MSL, Prasad RD, Senthilvel S*. 2016. Establishing a high throughput screening method for large scale phenotyping of castor genotypes for resistance to Fusarium wilt disease. Phytoparasitica 44(4): 539-548.
Area of expertise
- Development and application of molecular markers and crop breeding