Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Institute Projects
- IIOR-104-11 : Enhancing Resource Use efficiency in castor based cropping systems(PI)
- DAC – NMOOP Research Project : Area Expansion and Productivity Enhancement of Castor through Quality Seed Production and Adoption of BMPs (Co-PI)
- DOR 104-3: Sustainability of sunflower based cropping system with reference to input management in Vertisols (PI)
- DOR:104-2: Sustainability of sunflower based cropping system with reference to input management in Alfisols (PI)
- DOR 104-8: Screening of sunflower, safflower and castor germplasm for phosphorus acquisition (PI)
- ICAR Seed Project: Seed Production of Agricultural crops (Co-PI)
- AICRP (Sunflower)
- Root studies of fodder trees in silvopastoral systems(P.I)
- Fodder resource augmentation in Andhra Pradesh through Subabul following participatory approaches (P.I)
- WS-GSM-1 Vegetation management and utilization in watershed area
- Stylo-1: Potassium nutrition of stylo in pure and mixed pastures (As component of Inter institutional Stylo project) Co-PI
Externally funded projects
- NATP: Pasture improvement and legume introduction: Soil -plant-animal relationship.
- DST-TIFAC: Utilization of fly-ash as ameliorant for improving forage productivity in Bundelkhand soils
- ICAR- Cess Fund: Development of Bio-physical spread sheet modelling of silvopastoral systems
- Indo-UK Collaborative Project: Forages on bunds: Meeting the needs of land users through collaborative approaches
Associated in Identification and release of crop varieties/hybrids:
1. ICH-66: Castor Hybrid in 2017 from ICAR-IIOR
2. ICH-5: Castor Hybrid in 2021 from ICAR-IIOR
- Agronomic interventions for maximizing resource use efficiency in castor based cropping system-PI
- Development of Conservation Agricultural Practices in castor based cropping systems in Alfisols.
- Ex-situ and in-situ management of crop residues
- Frontline demonstrations on oilseeds and other extension activities Co-PI
- Formation and Promotion of FPOs- Co-PI
- AICRP Castor (Agronomy) -Co-PI
Training Programmes attended
- Attended training program on MDP on Leadership Development (a pre-RMP programme) NAARM, Hyderabad, Dec, 18-29, 2018
- Attended short course on "Cropping system Models" Jointly organized by University of Florida and ICRISAT, at ICRISAT, Patancheru, December 5-9, 2011
Course Coordinator
- Training on "Groundnut and Sesame production methodologies and techniques" to delegation from Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation, Myanmar
- National level Training Course on "Low Cost Production Technology for Oilseeds"
- Model Training Course on "Recent advances in Production Technology of Oilseed Crops"
- Hybrid Seed Production Technology in sunflower, castor and safflower
- Training Course on "Hybrid Seed Production in sunflower and castor
- Model Training Course on "Low Cost Production Technology in Oilseeds" Sponsored by Directorate of Extension , Ministry of Extension, Govt of India
- Model Training Course on "Seed Production in Oilseeds" Sponsored by Directorate of Extension , Ministry of Extension, Govt of India
Course Director
- Training Course on "Hybrid Seed Production in Sunflower and Castor"
- Suresh G, Sudhakara Babu S.N and Aziz Qureshi A. 2021. Conservation Agriculture – An ideal Resource Management Strategy for Sustainable Oilseed Production in India. Modern Concepts and Developments in Agronomy 8 (1). MCDA.000678, 2021. Crimsons Publishers. USA
- Suresh G and Aziz Qureshi 2020. Influence of conservation agricultural practices on performance of castor (Ricinus communis L.) based intercropping systems in shallow Alfisols under rainfed conditions. Journal of Oilseeds Research (special issue). 109.
- Suresh G, Sudhakara Babu S.N and Qureshi A.A. 2016. Productivity and nutrient use of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in sequential cropping in Vertisols. Journal of Oilseeds Research, 32(1):139-141.
- Praveen Rao V, G. Suresh, A. V. Ramanjaneyulu and V. Anitha.2021. Drip Irrigation in Castor Enhances Bean Yield, Saves Water and Increases Profitability. Chronicle of Bioresource Management 5(2): 048-053
- Ramanjaneyulu A. V., K. Indudhar Reddy , M. V. Nagesh Kumar , A. Madhavi , M. Venkata Ramana , A. Srinivas and G. Suresh 2021. Agro-economic Feasibility and Indices of Castor+Groundnut Intercropping System under Irrigated Conditions during Rabi Season in Telangana. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 12(2), 074-081.
- Abhinav Kumar, Vandana Bi,,Vinod Kumar , Meena P.D. and Suresh G..2017. Hyperspectral Imaging Applications in Rapeseed and Mustard Farming. Journal of Oilseeds Research 34 (1) 1-8.
- Ramesh K, Suresh G, Qureshi M A A, Ratnakumar P, Praduman Yadav and. Haripriya Ch.V. 2020. Plant geometry and nitrogen effect on fatty acid composition of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed. Journal of Oilseeds Research (Special issue) 112.
- Madhuri P, C. Lavanya, G Suresh, P Duraimurugan, M Santhalakshmi Prasad and A Vishnuvardhan Reddy.2018. Development of a mobile app for the effective dissemination of information on castor. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 35(3): 219-225
- Prabakaran A J, C Lavanya, T. Manjunatha, G Balakishan, P Duraimurugan, M Santhalakshmi Prasad, S Senthilvel, G Suresh, P Lakshmamma, R D Prasad, K T Ramya, Praduman Yadav, J Jawahar Lal, C Sarada, D K Patel, C J Patel, Mukesh Patel, P Sunil Kumar, K S Varaprasad and A Vishnuvardhan Reddy . 2018. ICH-66, a new high yielding and biotic stress –resistant castor hybrid suitable for rainfed conditions of Peninsular India. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 35(4): 252-259
- Meena H S, Suneetha Devi K.B. and Suresh G.2016. Yield and profitability of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) as influenced by varieties and crop geometry in semi-arid climate of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Agronomy 61 (3): 401-403
Technical Bulletin/Folder
- Suresh,G, Lavanya, C., Duraimurugan, P., Santha Lakshmi Prasad, M., Manjunatha, T., Lakshmi Prayaga., Jawahar Lal and Vishnuvardhan Reddy, A. 2020. Castor: Production Technology. 7h revised edition. ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad. p.25
- Suresh G K.L. Deboria, G. Narayanan, N.K. Jain, P. Duraimurugan, C.J. Patel, Bhagwat Rathore, P. Padmavathi and G.D. Satish Kumar.2015. Handbook on Technologies for Oilseeds production in Gujarat. DOR, Hyderabad and DAC New Delhi. pp125
Agroforestry; Development of Agro-techniques for rabi castor; BMPs in Oilseed crops; Conservation Agriculture; Micro-irrigation; Drip-fertigation; Formation and promotion of FPOs; Participatory oilseeds Research; Promotion of oilseed crops in tribal areas; Seed production of varieties and hybrids of oilseeds.
Contributed as
- General Secretary, Indian Society of Oilseeds Research (2015 to 2017)
- Treasurer, Indian Society of Oilseeds Research (ISOR) 2010-14
- Member Secretary RAC, IIOR-Hyderabad (2013-15)
- Convener- Panel Discussion Session of 8th International Safflower Conference , Jan 22-25, 2012
- As Convener Brainstorming Session on Climate Smart Technologies for Enhancing Vegetable Oil Production was successfully conducted by ISOR in association with NAAS, New Delhi during January 19-20, 2017.
- OIC DOR-ICRISAT Farm 2008-2011
- Fellow, Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad
- Fellow, Range Management Society of India, Jhansi
- Received DSE (German Foundation for International Development) Fellowship to participate in “2002 Anglophone- ICRA Programme” (International Centre for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture) Wageningen, Jan 14-July 26, 2002.
- Life Member of four professional Societies viz., (i) Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad; (ii) Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi (iii) Indian Science Congress, Kolkata (iv) Indian Society of Agrometeorology, Anand
- Refree Indian Journal of Agronomy/Journal of Oilseeds Research /Indian Journal of Agroforestry/Journal of Oilseeds Research