
Pedigree | MS 9(O) x A1 |
Method of breeding/selection | Hybrid breeding |
Method of propagation | Cross-pollination |
Year of release | 1997 |
Developed by | ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,Hyderabad |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 401(E), 15/5/1998 |
Recommended ecology | All Inida |
Special attributes | Resistant to wilt, moderately tolerant to Alternaria leaf blight and aphid |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 2200 (irrigated) |
Oil Content(%) | 30 |
Days to maturity | 120-125 |
Days to 50% flowering | 70-80 |

Pedigree | CMS-A-133 x 1705-p22 |
Method of breeding/selection | Hybrid breeding |
Method of propagation | Cross-pollination |
Year of release | 2013 |
Developed by | ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 1379(E), 27/03/2018 |
Recommended ecology | All India (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh) |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1430 (rainfed) - 1740 (irrigated) |
Oil Content(%) | 28-29 |
Days to maturity | 120-125(RF), 135-140 (irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 75-80 |
Pedigree | MS-5008 x NMK-3480 |
Method of breeding/selection | Hybrid breeding |
Method of propagation | Cross-pollination |
Year of release | 1997 |
Developed by | MAHYCO, Jalna |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 401(E), 15/5/1998 |
Recommended ecology | All Inida |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to wilt, Alternaria leaf blight and aphid |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 2200 (irrigated) |
Oil Content(%) | 28 |
Days to maturity | 120-125 |
Days to 50% flowering | 84-86 |
Nature of the cultivar | Hybrid |
Pedigree | MS-1308 x MK-1018 |
Method of breeding/selection | Hybrid breeding |
Method of propagation | Cross-pollination |
Year of release | 2006 |
Developed by | MAHYCO, Jalna |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Recommended region/area | All Inida |
Area of adoption | Maharashtra, Karnataka |
Special attributes | CMS based hybrid, resistant to wilt |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1000-1500 (Rainfed) 2200-2500 (Irrigated) |
Oil Content(%) | 27 |
Days to maturity | 120-130 |
Days to flowering | 70-80 |

Nature of the cultivar | Hybrid |
Pedigree | MSV-10-1-5 x GMU 2369 |
Method of breeding/selection | Hybrid breeding |
Method of propagation | Cross-pollination |
Year of release | 2005 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Phaltan |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 599(E), 25/4/2006 |
Recommended region/area | Assured irrigated areas in India |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to aphid |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 2000-2200 |
Oil Content(%) | 28 |
Days to maturity | 126-129 |
Days to 50% flowering | 89 |

Nature of the cultivar | Hybrid |
Pedigree | TMS-3-1-9-1 x D-152-12 |
Method of breeding/selection | Hybrid breeding |
Method of propagation | Cross-pollination |
Year of release | 2013 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Phaltan |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 1919(E), 30/07/2014 |
Recommended region/area | Assured irrigated zones of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, West Bengal |
Special attributes | TGMS based hybrid, Tolerant to wilt and aphid |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1710 |
Oil Content(%) | 31 |
Days to maturity | 114-156 |

Nature of the cultivar | Hybrid |
Pedigree | MMS x C2829-5-3a-6 |
Method of breeding/selection | Hybrid breeding |
Method of propagation | Cross-pollination |
Year of release | 2002 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Nimbkar, Agricultural Research Institute, Phaltan |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 937(E), 4/9/2002 |
Recommended region/area | All India |
Special attributes | Non-spiny, moderately tolerant to Alternaria leaf blight and aphid |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1500 |
Oil Content(%) | 30 |
Days to maturity | 127 |
Days to 50% flowering | 85 |
Annigeri-1 (A-1)

Pedigree | A-482-1 x A-300 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1969 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Agricultural Research Station, Annigeri, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 13, 19/12/1978 |
Recommended ecology | Karnataka, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to wilt, aphid |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1500 |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1200 |
Days to maturity | 125-130 |
Oil Content(%) | 28 |

Pedigree | (A1 x 166-6) x 328 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1997 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Agricultural Research Station, Annigeri, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 647(E), 9/9/1997 |
Recommended ecology | Rainfed regions in Karnataka |
Special attributes | Reduced hull, tolerant to aphid |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1200-1400 |
Oil Content(%) | 31 |
Days to maturity | 120-125 |
Days to 50% flowering | 64-68 |

Pedigree | Selection from local bulk |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1957 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Agricultural Research Station, Annigeri, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 13, 19/12/1978 |
Recommended ecology | Karnataka |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1100 |
Oil Content(%) | 28-30 |
Days to maturity | 115-130 |
Days to 50% flowering | 70-72 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | [(Bhima x Tara) x N7] x [(AKS 15 x A1) x AKS 68] |
Method of breeding/selection | Backcross and pedigree |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2006 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Oilseeds Research Unit Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth Akola |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 1703(E), 5/10/2007 |
Recommended region/area | Vidarbha region (Akola, Buldana, Washim, Amaravati) of Maharashtra |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1200-1400 |
Seed oil Content(%) | 27-30 |
Days to maturity | 120-135 |
Days to 50% flowering | 80-85 |
Bhima (S-4)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | A-300 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1982 |
Developed by | Dry farming Research Station, Solapur, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 2(E) 814(E), 3/1/1983 |
Recommended region/area | Western Maharashtra |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1600 |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1400 |
Seed oil Content(%) | 28-30 |
Days to maturity | 135-140 |
Days to 50% flowering | 75-80 |
Girna (JLSF-88)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | A1 x G1254 |
Method of breeding/selection | Not known |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1990 |
Developed by |
AICRP (Safflower) centre |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 814(E), 4/11/1992 |
Recommended region/area | Khandesh region of Maharashtra |
Special attributes | Moderately resistant to wilt |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1500 |
Seed oil Content(%) | 28-30 |
Days to maturity | 130-135 |
Days to 50% flowering | 75-78 |
Malviya Kusum 305 (HUS-305)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Germplasm (identity number unknown) |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1986 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Banaras Hindu University Varanasi |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 471(E), 5/5/1988 |
Recommended region/area | Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal |
Area of adoption | Indo-gangetic plains and salt affected areas especially for Sunderban areas of 24-Paraganas district of West Bengal |
Special attributes | High oil type, tolerant to salinity, moderately tolerant to Alternaria leaf blight, wilt and root rot |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1100 - 1300 |
Seed oil Content(%) | 36 |
Days to maturity | 132-150 |
Days to 50% flowering | 132 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | (A1x 9-5-7)7-50-5-1 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree method |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2018 |
Developed by | ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research Hyderabad |
Released at Central or State level | Centre |
Year of notification | 2019 |
Recommended region/area | All India (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan) |
Special attributes | High oleic acid content (76%) |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1236 (Rainfed) 1864 (Irrigated) |
Seed oil Content(%) | 30.5 |
Oleic acid content (%) | 76 |
Average oleic acid yield (kg/ha) | 441 |
Days to maturity | 125-130 |
Days to 50% flowering | 85-90 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | SFS-2042 x EC523360 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree method |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2018 |
Developed by | ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research Hyderabad |
Released at Central or State level | Centre |
Year of notification | 2019 |
Recommended region/area | All India (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan) |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1583 (Rainfed) 2274 (Irrigated) |
Seed oil Content(%) | 30.6 |
Days to maturity | 125-130 |
Days to 50% flowering | 80-85 |
Phule Kusuma (JLSF-414)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | JLSF-103 x GMU 216 (a) |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2003 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Oilseeds Research Station, Jalgaon Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 122(E), 2/2/2005 |
Recommended region/area | All India |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 2000-2200 (Irrigated) 1200-1500 (Rainfed) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28-29 |
Days to maturity | 125-140 |
Days to 50% flowering | 80-90 |
Jawahar Safflower-1 (JSF-1)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Sel. IC 11839 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1984 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indore Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 165(E), 6/3/1987 |
Recommended region/area | Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1500-1600 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28-30 |
Days to maturity | 140-145 |
Days to 50% flowering | 75-80 |
Jawahar Safflower-97 (JSF-97)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | NS133-1 x JSI-62 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2004 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indore Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 1566(E), 5/11/2005 |
Recommended region/area | Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh |
Special attributes | Non-spiny |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1500 -1600 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 30 |
Days to maturity | 135-140 |
Days to 50% flowering | 75-80 |
Jawahar Safflower-99 (JSF-99)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Mexican dwarf x BH-5 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2004 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indore Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 599(E), 25/4/2006 |
Recommended region/area | Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh |
Special attributes | Extra-early, semi-spiny |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1100-1500 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28-29 |
Days to maturity | 115-120 |
Days to 50% flowering | 50-55 |
Jawahar Spineless Safflower-7 (JSI-7)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Sel. JSF1909 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1990 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indore Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 527(E), 16/08/1991 |
Recommended region/area | Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh |
Special attributes | Non-spiny |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1300-1400 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28 |
Days to maturity | 142-147 |
Days to 50% flowering | 75-80 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | JSI-42 x JSI-7 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1997 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indore Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 425(E), 8/6/1999 |
Recommended region/area | Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh |
Special attributes | Non-spiny, moderately resistant to rust, powdery mildew, wilt and aphid |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1400-1500 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 31 |
Days to maturity | 140-145 |
Days to 50% flowering | 98 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | C-438 |
Method of breeding/selection | Direct selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1976 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Tandur Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 13, 19/12/1978 |
Recommended region/area | Andhra Pradesh, Telangana |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1100 |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1000 |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28 |
Days to maturity | 120-125 |
Days to 50% flowering | 75 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Co-1 x JL6 |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2000 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Phaltan |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Year of notification | 2001 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 92(E), 2/2/2001 |
Recommended region/area | All India |
Special attributes | Non-spiny, moderately tolerant to wilt |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1000-1100 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 30 |
Days to maturity | 126 |
Days to 50% flowering | 86 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Carmax x C-2829-5-2 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree method |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of notification | 2015 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Phaltan |
Released at Central or State level | Centre |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 268(E), 28/01/2015 |
Recommended region/area | Irrigated areas of all safflower growing states in India (Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Jharkhand) |
Special attributes | Resistant to wilt |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1500 |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 29-30 |
Days to maturity | 118-151 |
Days to 50% flowering | 75 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | DMST-10-1-16 x D-151-4-3 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree method |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2016 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Phaltan |
Released at Central or State level | Centre |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 1379(E), 27/03/2018 |
Recommended region/area | Irrigated areas of all safflower growing states in India (Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan) |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 2023 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 33.21 |
Days to maturity | 135-140 |
Days to 50% flowering | 95 |
Nira (NRS-209)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | NS1572 x EC32012 |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1987 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Phaltan |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 834(E), 18/9/1987 |
Recommended region/area | Irrigated areas of Maharashtra |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1300-1500 (irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28 |
Days to maturity | 120 |
Days to 50% flowering | 84 |
Parbhani Kusum (PBNS-12)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | PBNS-9-97 x PI 248567 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree method |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2001 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 122(E), 6/2/2007 |
Recommended region/area | All India |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to aphid, Alternaria leaf blight |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1900-2000 (Irrigated) 1200-1500 (Rainfed) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 29 |
Days to maturity | 135-140 |
Days to 50% flowering | 83-90 |
PBNS-40 (Parbhani kardi-40)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | C-40-Pro.3 |
Method of breeding/selection | Mutation breeding |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2006 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 1178(E), 20/7/2007 |
Recommended region/area | All India |
Special attributes | Non-spiny, moderately tolerant to wilt, Alternaria leaf blight and aphid |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 937 (Rainfed) 1579 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 27-28 |
Days to maturity | 118-128 |
Days to 50% flowering | 77-85 |
PKV-Pink (AKS-311)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | NARI 6 x JLSF 344 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree method |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2011 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Oilseeds Research Unit Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 2817(E), 19/09/2013 |
Recommended region/area | Vidarbha region of Maharashtra |
Special attributes | Distinct petal color, pale yellow turning to pink after fading, tolerant to wilt |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 2100 |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1500 |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 30-33 |
Days to maturity | 135-140 |
Days to 50% flowering | 76-85 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | GMU 372 |
Method of breeding/selection | Direct selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1976 |
Developed by | Regional Agricultural Research Station, Raichur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 13, 19/12/1978 |
Recommended region/area | Karnataka, Bihar |
Special attributes | Tolerant to aphid |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1500 |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1000 |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 29.5 |
Days to maturity | 128 |
Days to 50% flowering | 81 |
Sagarmutyalu (APRR-3)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | EC-27250 (SF429) |
Method of breeding/selection | Direct selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1985 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Tandur, Professor Jayashankar Telengana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 471(E), 5/5/1988 |
Recommended region/area | Andhra Pradesh, Telangana |
Special attributes | Resistant to rust |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1300 |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1000 |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28 |
Days to maturity | 115-125 |
Sharda (BSF-168-4)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Sel. No. 168 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1990 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 615(E), 17/8/1993 |
Recommended region/area | Marathwada region of Maharashtra |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to aphid and wilt |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1000-1200 (Rainfed) 1600-1800 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 29 |
Days to maturity | 125-130 |
Days to 50% flowering | 90-92 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Bhima x A1 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree method |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2019 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower), Solapur Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Released at Central or State level | Centre |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 3-74/2019, 28/10/2019 |
Recommended region/area | Zone-I (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to aphid |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1713 |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 32.9 |
Days to maturity | 120-125 |
Days to 50% flowering | 70-75 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | NARI-2 x JSI-99 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2010 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Solapur Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 2125(E), 10/9/2012 |
Recommended region/area | Safflower growing areas of Maharashtra |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to aphid |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1376 (Rainfed) 2276 (Irrigated) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 29.1 |
Days to maturity | 115-120 |
Days to 50% flowering | 68-72 |
Tara (143-20)

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | N-62-8 x C. palaestinus |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1976 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre Jalgaon, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 13 of 19/12/1978 |
Recommended region/area | Western Maharashtra |
Special attributes | Erect growth |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1000-1200 (Rainfed) |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28 |
Days to maturity | 120-125 |

Nature of the cultivar | Variety |
Pedigree | Local selection |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 1977 |
Developed by | Uttar Pradesh |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 13 of 19/12/1978 |
Recommended region/area | Uttar Pradesh |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to aphid |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1200-1400 |
Seed Oil Content(%) | 28 |
Days to maturity | 170-185 |
Days to 50% flowering | 120 |

Pedigree | Selection from NASH-92-1 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2010 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Tandur, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University Hyderabad |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 150, 24/01/2019 |
Recommended ecology | Safflower growing areas of Telangana |
Special attributes | Resistant to Fusarium wilt, tolerant to Alternaria leaf spot and moderately tolerant to aphid |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1350 (rainfed) |
Days to 50% flowering | 80-90 |
Oil Content(%) | 28-29 |
Days to maturity | 120-130 |

Pedigree | Bhima x NARI-44 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2019 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Solapur, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 3482(E), 7/10/2020 |
Recommended ecology | Zone I (Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana & Karnataka) |
Special attributes | Moderately tolerant to aphid and wilt, Tolerant to Alternaria leaf spot |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1621 (Rainfed); 2575(Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 75-78 |
Oil Content(%) | 29.5 |
Days to maturity | 125 |

Pedigree | Selection from GMU-7368 |
Method of breeding/selection | Selection |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2020 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 3482(E), 07/10/2020 |
Recommended ecology | Chhattisgarh plains |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1677 kg/ha |
Oil Content(%) | 32-33 |
Days to maturity | 120-125 |
Days to 50% flowering | 80-85 |
IGKV Kusum (RSS 2016-03)

Pedigree | AKS 92-4 x GMU 3812 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2021 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 500(E), 2/2/2021 |
Recommended ecology | Chhattisgarh plains and Madhya Pradesh |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 2710 kg/ha |
Oil Content(%) | 34.26 |
Days to maturity | 138-140 |
Days to 50% flowering | 100 |
Raj Vijay Safflower 14-1 (RVSAF 14-1)

Pedigree | JSI-120 x JSF-1 |
Method of breeding/selection | Pedigree method |
Method of propagation | Self-pollination |
Year of release | 2019 |
Developed by | AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indore, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior |
Released at Central or State level | State |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date | 8(E), 24/12/2021 |
Recommended ecology | Madhya Pradesh |
Special attributes | Early |
Potential yield (kg/ha) | 1800-2200 |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 2000 kg/ha |
Oil Content(%) | 29-30 |
Days to maturity | 121-137 |
Days to 50% flowering | 82-87 |

Pedigree |
ANN-2-04 x APS-09-8 |
Method of selection |
Pedigree method |
Method of propagation |
Self-pollination |
Developed by |
AICRP (Safflower) centre, Agricultural Research Station, Annigeri, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad |
Year of release |
2020 |
Whether release was at centre or state level |
Central |
Notified vide S.O.No. & date |
8(E), 24/12/2021 |
Recommended region |
Zone-I of India (Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) |
Special attributes |
More secondary branches |
Potential yield (kg/ha) |
2000-2100 kg/ha |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1795 kg/ha, (Irrigated- 2138 kg/ha and Rainfed-1740kg/ha) |
Seed oil content(%) |
28.6 |
Days to maturity |
123-130 |
Days to 50% flowering |
79-80 |
DSAF-1 (ANG-18-02)

Pedigree |
[ASA-07 x (A-2 x NARI-6)] x NARI-6 |
Method of selection |
Pedigree method |
Method of propagation |
Self-pollination |
Developed by |
AICRP (Safflower) centre, Agricultural Research Station, Annigeri, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad |
Year of release |
2021 |
Whether release was at centre or state level |
Central |
Notified vide S.O.No. & date |
8(E), 24/12/2021 |
Recommended region |
Zone-I of India (Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) |
Special attributes |
Moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt |
Potential yield (kg/ha) |
2100-2200 kg/ha |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1802 kg/ha, (Irrigated- 2166 kg/ha and Rainfed-1742 kg/ha) |
Seed oil content(%) |
28.2 |
Days to maturity |
125-127 |
Days to 50% flowering |
79 |
Raj Vijay Safflower 18-1 (RVSAF 18-1)

Pedigree |
MS-6(Y) x NARI-57 x JSF-1 |
Method of selection |
Pedigree method |
Method of propagation |
Self-pollination |
Developed by |
AICRP (Safflower) centre, Indore, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior |
Year of release |
2019 |
Whether release was at centre or state level |
Central |
Notified vide S.O.No. & date |
8(E), 24/12/2021 |
Recommended region |
Zone I & Zone II |
Special attributes |
Moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt |
Potential yield (kg/ha) |
1700-1850 kg/ha |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1746 kg/ha |
Seed oil content(%) |
39.1 |
Days to maturity |
127-131 |
Days to 50% flowering |
77-85 |
Phule Gold

Pedigree |
Bhima x GMU 2724 |
Method of selection |
Pedigree method |
Method of propagation |
Seed |
Developed by |
AICRP (Safflower), Solapur, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Year of release |
2020 |
Whether release was at centre or state level |
Central |
Notified vide S.O.No. & date |
8(E), 24/12/2021 |
Recommended region |
Zone I (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telengana, and Andhra Pradesh) |
Special attributes |
High oil |
Potential yield (kg/ha) |
2291 kg/ha |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 1665 kg/ha |
Seed oil content(%) |
34.6 |
Days to maturity |
122 |
Days to 50% flowering |
75 |
Phule Kiran

Pedigree |
Selection from GMU 2757 |
Method of selection |
Selection |
Method of propagation |
Seed |
Developed by |
AICRP (Safflower), Solapur, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Year of release |
2020 |
Whether release was at centre or state level |
Central |
Notified vide S.O.No. & date |
8(E), 24/12/2021 |
Recommended region |
Zone I & II (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh) |
Potential yield (kg/ha) |
2506 kg/ha |
Average yield (kg/ha) | 2058 kg/ha |
Seed oil content(%) |
30.55 |
Days to maturity |
132 |
Days to 50% flowering |
85 |